I just bought a EZ flash 3in1, although it hasnt arrived yet. Before it arrives, I'd like to know a few things so im not fiddling with it as much because I'd rather be using it. NOTE: MY ONLY PURPOSE FOR BUYING THIS WAS THE GBA GAME PLAYING ABILITY! ALL I WANT. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE OTHER FEATURES. So... Chances are, im getting a 3in1+....if tahst the case, what do i need to get GBA roms working? Where do i put the gba roms on my flashcart? is it true you can only have 1 game at a time? For example, if i have fire emblem and im playing that and i decide to get pokemon, must i delete the fire emblem save files and gba files, or does it allow multiple games to be on it, depending on availible slot1 microsd card space?
Just make a folder on your DS Flashcart called "GBA" and out your GBA roms in there. Then download "GBA ExpLoader" from here: http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/index.php?title=3_in_1_Expansion_Pack_for_EZ-Flash_V You can also use that link for more info and help on the device.
thanks again, for this and the lameboy situation....Your cool. 8) Post Merge: [time]1259721953[/time] Whoa, holy crap! his sites in japenese...damn, was not expacting that...second, it says not found when i click the link in the wiki....if you have that same program from that link, could you upload it to rapidhsare or some site like that (please not megaupload though, my computer doesnt like megaupload).. Post Merge: [time]1259722397[/time] I have gbaexploader0.58b0...is that the right one?
Because I have an acekard linked to my ezy 3 in 1, I didn't need gba exploader, only problem is I can't see the rom pics-all you see is a little gba icon and the rom name. Still thanks to my ability to read this is only a cosmetic issues, also I didn't have to make a gba rom folder, I just used this as is.
Yeah, I'm sure it will work. If it doesn't...I'll just upload you the exact loader I'm using. BTW, what Flashcart do you use? Depending on what Flashcart you use...You may not even need to use gbaexploader. Yeah, it's very useful. Not only can it play GBA ROM's; it can also backup and restore Gamesaves, backup DS games and can also be used as a Rumble Expansion pack for games like Metroid Pinball...Or if you like to go retro, you can also use the rumble on old GB games like Pokemon Pinball with a GB/GBC Emulator (Masterboy).
Raysie im using a CycloDS. Post Merge: [time]1259758501[/time] I was just told that i only need gbaxploader for games bigger than 16mb.... So....my last question is.. How do you flash the roms to the cart wth GBAexploader? Me feels like an idiot for asking too many questions.
Well, you keep all the games on the Micro SD of your DS Flashcart. Once you open up GBAexploader, it's pretty straight forward to play games from there. Trust me, it's as simple as saying make new game in the menu of GBAexploader and that's about it.
Okay...hould be all set then.. Thanks again to everyone who helped (especially raysie)... Mods, dont lock this yet as once my EZ arives I may have more questions. Thanks.