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I have created a website for non-hating people

Discussion in 'General News' started by AstroGod, Feb 28, 2011.

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  1. AstroGod

    AstroGod Well-Known Member

    I am hating the reproduction rate of trolls ;) that hate on consoles and cause console or game wars. I have created this site intended for people who don't like it when they talk about their favorite game and some random douche bag says their favorite game sucks and what not. I will allow opinions, but they should reflect what you feel in a way that it will not hurt or influence others to hate. An example of something allowed would be: "I didn't like the console because it doesn't appeal to me." Something inappropriate would be "This console sucks donkey dick because it has a stupid controller." The point is for people to come on and match up, share info, upload awesome pics and vids, and compete in tournaments without anyone being angry at each other.This site just started out so and is in need of major remodeling so bear with me here. Just enjoy what will soon be an amazing gaming site.

    i am currently recruiting admins to help with the site
    just pm me on the site if you are interested
    join and together we can make it happen

    *no advertising plox*

    EDIT: im going 2 sleep right now cause i have big test tomorrow and i want to be well rested
  2. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    360 is the best, fuck that shit!

    ill admin for you
  3. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Fuck the 360! It's ALL ABOUT THE P-S TRIPLE!


  4. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I hate how people think it's a good idea to give admin rights to the first random dumbass that signs up for their forum. I hate how you seem to think this is even remotely newsworthy considering how many other people do it. I also hate how you completely disregarded our rules and decided you could create a topic just to advertise your incredibly crappy site.

    I hate how you seem to be using a shitty host. I hate how you seem to think you can make this magical place that will never have angry people on it. I can tell you from 4 years here that what you want is impossible simply because the vast majority of the internet is filled with assholes.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that the internet is an incredibly hateful place. I'm also locking this due to that rule break that was mentioned earlier in my hatred.
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