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I have an R4, should I get a new card?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by bosoxdanc, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. bosoxdanc

    bosoxdanc Member

    Hey guys,
    I have a 2GB R4 for my DSL, and I feel like I want more space than 2GB. Can I simply buy a new MicroSD and copy all of the data from my old one to the new MicroSD? Just looking for suggestion on what I should do.
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Well, if it's the original R4, then it doesn't support SDHC cards, which is everything above 2gbs. So that's 4gb-32gb cards.

    So, if you want a higher capacity card, then you can either buy a knew flashcart and Micro SDHC card, or buy more Micro Sd cards that are 2gbs each.

    So you're better off buying a knew card if you want more space.
  3. bosoxdanc

    bosoxdanc Member

    Oh alright.
    Any recommendations? The AceKard seems to be a good one but I want to make sure. I would also need a MicroSD USB reader? Do those happen to come with one? Sorry for all the questions. I don't know too much about flashcarts.
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    They don't, but you can buy all that you need from ShopTemp.

    Acekard 2i - http://shoptemp.com/products/Acekard-2i-Card-for-Nintendo-DS-DS-Lite-DSi-p-30.html
    Micro SD Cards - http://shoptemp.com/categories/Flash-Memory/
    SuperCard DSTwo - http://shoptemp.com/products/Supercard-DSTWO-Card-for-Nintendo-DS-DS-Lite-DSi-p-97.html
    Micro SD Card Reader - http://shoptemp.com/products/USB-High-Speed-MicroSD-SDHC-Card-Reader-p-84.html

    Those are just recommendations. There are other cards, but for the moment, those are some of the best.
  5. xakota

    xakota Well-Known Member

    You would need a MicroSD USB reader (or a microSD to SD converter if your computer has a slot for SD cards), but those are generally very cheap, like in the cents.
    Really, I don't think you need more than 2GB, it seems kind of like a waste of money. I've never needed more than 2gb. But if you insist, your options are the Acekard 2i, which is the lowest priced card you can get for its quality. It has excellent compatibility and on-the-fly AP patching. It plays DS games great, but that's all it does.
    Alternatively, you can get the Supercard DSTWO. Like the Acekard, it has excellent compatibility and an on-the-fly AP patcher. But, it's a beefier card and has great extras like real-time-save (which is AWESOME), real-time-guide, freecheat, GBA emulation, and (upcoming) SNES emulation. Downside, obviously, is its price. Also, the Supercard team is releasing an SDK soon, so there could be some awesome homebrew coming out.
    Personally, I use an Acekard 2i, but I may get an SCDSTWO if I save enough money. I really want that Real-time-save.
    Also, if you are going to get a new cart, do yourself a favor and buy them from Shoptemp (I've linked you to them in this post), they provide great service and free fast shipping.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Well, if you live in the US and want it faster, it's a few cents cheaper from RealHotStuff. - http://realhotstuff.com/supercard-dstwo-free-shipping-p-502.html

    For everything else, then I would suggest shoptemp.
  7. xakota

    xakota Well-Known Member

    Actually, right now there's a promotion going on for Shoptemp where you can get for 5 dollars cheaper. bosoxdanc, pm me if you're buying an SCDS2 and want it for the cheaper price.
  8. bosoxdanc

    bosoxdanc Member

    I'll probably hit you up on that pm.
    Also, how does the memory work with these? It seems that all the files are saved on the MicroSD, so does this mean that I could use just a regular SD card? I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to. Sorry I'm an idiot when it comes to this.
  9. xakota

    xakota Well-Known Member

    No worries, everyone's new at some point.
    Yeah, all the firmware, plugins, ROMS, and save data must go in a MicroSD card. With an SCDS2, it can be any size. If you are going to use and SCDS2, it may be a good idea to get a bigger MicroSD card since you can jam pack so much stuff in it. You can bundle it with the card when you buy it from shoptemp. You can't use a regular SD card because an SCDS2 only has a slot for a Micro. To get the data onto the MicroSD card, you need a MicroSD to USB adapter, which you can also get from shoptemp.
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    If you DO decide to keep your R4, you can use the latest firmware for R4. "Wood R4" by Yellow Wood Goblin.
  11. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I've got an r4,
    and I love it in combination with Wood R4.

    If you want a flashcard (SD-HC),
    buy CycloDS or EZ Flash Vi :)
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member


    Refer to the "What to buy" portion of that thread. Find what you like and go with that if you want something new. It has the best carts clearly listed. These carts are indisputably the best, so you are guaranteed to get a good cart.
  13. lil_azn_a55a5in

    lil_azn_a55a5in Well-Known Member

    r4ds only supports up to 2gbs so if you want more ccapacity i suggest u get an acekard.