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I got something odd I like to ask...(drug related-parental discreation required)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Now I've only known 2 people who do it, but they do Weed/pot/choof/etc...

    Now I read the arguments, the goods and bads, and to be honest all I know is it's illegal in Australia...

    Now one tells me they take it "responsibly" while the other has no concept of responsibility (he encourages people to take it-he gambles, is in debt, in a pyramid scheme of all things, etc)...

    So what is your take on this, can people take this drug responsibly, I already know it's less harmful to alcohol (both cause loss of brain cells) and isn't addictive...still because of my "straight edge" upbringing I'd be always be on the side of being against all drugs (though lately I even hate prescription drugs because I was once a sickly kid always on some form of drug-mostly anti-biotics because I'd get colds every day it seemed...)
  2. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    When I was 14,I used to smoke dope and drink lager before we had Games on a Tuesday lunchtime.We used to put a bit on the end of a "fag" and suck it through a pen.I only do it now about once every 3 years and hardly drink at all.Its all down to compulsive behaviour and who you hang around with.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Makes sence, I was a shy withdrawn child, the few friends I was with...also brought up as straight edges or learnt the bads of drugs (one mate was 7 when he tried smoking-he knew it wasn't for him-and here and there weed and other types taken..with or without their knoledge...)

    ...Makes me wonder how I became a gaming addict...all i had was my mother playing tetris before going to bed everynight...
  4. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Its sex and drinking and gambling that get you into more trouble than smoking dope.I get offered Cocaine for free regularly,but I havent even taken it before and dont plan to.I believe people who smoke dope though have mental problems later on in life as it is wind-warping shit.
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    yes people can take drugs responsibly. (if taking illegal substances ever could be called responsible)
    My friends work all week, have good jobs, their own businesses etc then on a weekend they do ecstacy, coke, mcat and speed. It never interferes with work, their good people and are responsible with what they do take, nobody has ever overdosed or gone too far, they can easily afford it, no debt or stealing to pay for it and their not addicted to anything.
  6. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Weed has just become the drug that people have become to think/know that it's "supposedly" more safer to use than Alcohol and Tobacco.

    Correct or not, this does spread to others that also think there's nothing wrong in taking up in the use of weed, and I know 100% I'll have a member right here on Romulation say how Weed is better for us more than it is harmful. We all know deep down that's a load of shit, but sadly I don't care for anyone that abuses the use of Weed as long they're not within my immediate family.

    As for people using the drug responsibly, sure there are. I know people that use it more as a stress reliever and a self deserved treat. As much as it sounds really cool, it's still wrong and to an extent harmful. But tell me this, are you being responsible in the first place smoking Weed?

    Man, I can't wait to see what stoners reply to my comments with. Please spare me "It's good for you" argument, I'm seriously not up for that stupid debate.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I knew someone who took weed as a painkiller. He had cancer and it was the only thing that could touch it. Whether or not the weed was beneficial is up in the air, but the fact is that guy survived a terminal cancer TWICE, against all medical predictions. Sadly it got him the third time. Even when the doctors gave him days to live for the third time he was still alive a month and a half later.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I think the question we have to ask is why are drugs illegal?

    Do they hurt anyone other than the user? If so, then I would understand its illegality. But in most cases, the only person it hurts is the user (and their wallet). So why exactly is it illegal? Tobacco and alcohol hurt the user in many of the same ways as street drugs so why aren't those illegal?
  9. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Because Tobbaco and Alcohol bring in brilliant taxes. This reason has been of the main reasons for late talk of making Marijuana legal. If it was up to me I'd make them all illegal, as they're all useless. Whoever says otherwise has not lived without them.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Drug abusers often steal to fund their habit, this hurts other people.

    tobacco and alcohol are heavily taxed, governments make billions a year off both. That is why they are legal.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    The same argument can be applied to all street drugs (assuming they don't make you go out on a rampage).
    The government could bring in SO MUCH revenue through these drugs as well as run their own companies to not only get the tax revenue, but also the full amount of revenue (I'd rather them just collect the tax, since they can't run private-structured businesses if their lives depended on it). Not only that, but it would provide the much needed competition to self-regulate its own prices essentially running druglords out of business. Most drugs are expensive because there's a high insatiable demand for them because of its illegality. And the government is missing out on their piece of the pie.

    And I download roms, movies, software to fund mine...this hurts the creators.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    They usually get those dates wrong, they are only human...I was born a month early and my brother a month late XD

    Much agreed.

    My mates (one of which used to take it) give me this response as to why they don't make it legal if it's so safe...

    Because the government can't tax it-load off bullS*** right there I reckon!

    Must be the stigma about weed and other usually illegal drugs that keep most governments from selling it commercially.

    I'd know my people would look down and me if I suddenly legalized a once banned substance :(
  13. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    i have friends that take weed and sell it. They say its healthier than smoking cigarettes and that you should try it at least once i your life. I remeber the show Weeds:)) But i think that of all the drugs Weed is the most ok to take but I'm not saying you should.
  14. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    my dads paraplegic he tried smoking weed after coming out of hospital and said it didnt work, he was on morphine for years but doesnt take anything at all now
  15. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    I don't know, never touch stuff that could do you harm whether it's just for ONCE because it might lead to addiction, drugs can never be good no matter how you see it. If you are just thinking of using it for fun, it's bad for health and mind but for medical purposes, it's a different story.

    I would agree taking too much of even antibiotics are bad for you. If possible, go for the natural way of healing using idenfied herbs.

    And please, don't mix weeds as being herbs...LOL...
  16. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I know this person also. He's cool like snakes though.

    I can't be arsed researching weed enough to have an opinion over whether it's bad or not. It's probably better than tobacco. Whatever it is, I don't mind anyone using it as long as it doesn't seriously impinge on me. Void being an awesome bro on IRC while stoned out of his fucking mind is not serious impingement. Being smoked around (in my general space) is. Either way, doing salvia scared the bejeezus out of me, therefore no more durgs.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Weed IS a herb. Sorry, but thats a fact. It is also a fact that weed contains very little addictive properties, in contrast to legal drugs such as morphine, which is very addictive. In fact, a large number of synthetic drugs that people quite happily take on doctor's orders are far more damaging than weed, and yet people harp on about how dangerous weed is (It isn't really). As for using 'natural' cures, that isnt always sensible. Ignoring the quack natural cures (which are often highly toxic), some synthetic drugs are actually safer than the natural versions they are derived from, for example aspirin.
  18. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    This is true and compare the number of chemicals in weed compared to the number of chemicals in cigarettes. If you look up what's in a cigarette, you'll probably go WTF at a lot of them. I looked up the scientific name for tobacco which is Nicotiana tabacum L. and according to this webpage, http://www.inchem.org/documents/pims/plant/nicotab.htm#PartTitle:2.%20SUMMARY, only nicotine is really the big toxin found in the plant. However, if you look at any ordinary cigarette, there's thousands of toxic chemicals in one. So if you grew your own tobacco and smoked it, you wouldn't be getting the thousands of other chemicals that cigarette companies put into their product.
  19. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I don't know much about drugs in general, so I can't rightfully argue anything about the dangers and positives of drugs, except perhaps on the dangers and consequences of driving drunk on alcohol.

    The first one, I just hope he knows what he's doing. Anyone can say they're responsible, but how many people actually are? Oh, and the second one sounds like a dick that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children, and not just because he's on marijuana.
  20. skinym3

    skinym3 Member

    dude this is properly the most honest answear your gonna get here

    drugs effect everyone in different ways just like tobacco and alcohol

    Ive smoked weed for about 8 years I'm a fairly successfull internet marketer and free lance web designer i have never sucked dick for money to buy weed nor have i stole to buy weed
    like a i said before drugs effect people in different ways like alcohol, tobacco, caffeine etc etc i mean i could go buy some cocaine right now and snort a bunch of it and be koool on the other hand y ou could do it and be an addict

    back on topic though weed does make you lazy and if you smoke to much you could white out (not serous you wont die) and that makes you feel really shitty
    people say yer your go mental and develop schizophrenia (all my friends and family smoke nothing like that has happend to them some of my friends smoke joints like cigarettes)

    but again like i said different people are effected differently the only advice i feel i should give as well as every one here is to stay safe
    dint let any one push you in to anything your not comfortable doing
    if you do try it..... there is no way you will overdose or become an addict its just not possable!! oh yer grab a deftones CD and some pringles lol