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I got drunk at school

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by AcroneSF, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    So yea im a grade 10er at my school and some of my year 8 friends came to school with a large water bottle filled to the brim with vodka. They were passing it around the group and it came to me and i thought i would have a decent drink so i ended up skulling 3/4 of the bottle. I got yelled at by one of them for drinking it all but it was well worth it.

    A short while after i just started laughing, i can now see what they meant when they say you can drink your problems away, i felt so happy.

    So i tried to walk in a straight line an was good for a few seconds then started to veer off. I tried touching my nose and poked myself in the eye.

    For most of the day i was unaware that i reaked of vodka until someone told me they smell vodka. I realised it was from rubbing my arm in a puddle of it (someone spilt some)

    So yea today was fun, im off to a halloween party this weekend hosted by the girl that brought the vodka :p
    That night is definately going to be one to remember. (that girl looks HOT in her witch costume)

    Yours soberly,
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Cool story bro.
  3. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    Lol thanks, took me for ever to write it. And this is a true story for any of you in doubt.
  4. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    you are sooooooo cool!!!
  5. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

  6. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    So you got drunk at school, big deal.
  7. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You should of sexed up the principal and blamed it on the students who gave the alcohol to you. Because you didn't, I think this story is instant fail.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I wish I could do the sarcasm-but you know what?

    I'm sick of this drinking crap that us aussies got into...

    I just watched a vid on facebook where someone I knew was involved in a drinking game-he was underage...

    I'm sick of this bs!

    But then again-if not for the alchol related problems I faced...without ever actually touching one (birth deformities, drunken violent family members, etc) I'd would have picked this crap up like everyone else.

    I'd rather drink 15 energy drinks and force a heart attack than do this crap.

    [me=mds64]is not amused[/me]
  10. hello48new

    hello48new Member

    Yeah... some of my grade 8 friends do weed, too. I try to get them out of it.. but the keep going.. I'll NEVER do it though.
  11. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Try it.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    To all illegal things-stuff that has a chance of making my metal capacity lower than what it currently is.

    The most I'd try is a 24hour gaming run-I can only last 12 hours in front of a screen-weak or human-you tell me.
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    I just realized you were hanging out with 8th graders.
  14. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    why would the school not notice any smell?
  15. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    Please be careful this weekend if you are at a teen party. This past weekend, a bunch of kids, I think 12 of them packed 2 small cars, some of them in the trunks, and went for a speed race. Two 17 year old were racing and a 14 year old girl in the trunk died in the car crash and another boy is fighting for his life in a hospital.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This isn't new to me-australia has events like this every few months :(


    bTW-most of those I talk to here are far younger than me-prehaps those in my age group seem alien and prehaps..harsh-towards me.

    But then again I'm a social outcast who doesn't give a dam :p
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Maggie, I highly doubt that'd happen. Just because a couple or a dozen teens decided to do that, doesn't mean every teen party someone will do something incredibly stupid and incredibly dangerous. This is coming from someone who went to many, many high school parties.

    You just realized this (the begining part)? I've known since I joined that I'd be one of the few old-ish members that'd frequent this forum. Also, don't knock it, until you try it. That's what I think about drinking alcohol or marijuana.
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'll put it to you this way nat...

    -easy to get hooked on somethign new

    -My mother's an alcholic-and like her I get hooked on things easy that i may like the slightest-it won't be until something bad happens thatany self control occurs

    -Weak willed/no self control

    -If you haven't guessed I have an anger issue-and from what past friends told me-what ever emotional state your in when you drink may get passed onto your drunken form-or the oppisite.

    Knowing how I think-I might ether cower down into a pathetic excuse for a man or simply KILL all those looking at me funny.

    I wish not to risk-most of my cousins and family drink a fair bit-only one told me I'm an idiot (he's a heavy drinker) while the other's congratulate me for it.

    Plus it suits me fine-I've already have been in enough crap in my life to drive a normal person insane-plus it jsut is "me".

    Me is being different-and most aussie's in my age group (If I said 90% I'd be close) would enjoy drinking and or drinking games.

    Seeing as a don't drink-it makes me stand out :)

    I hate to knock it-but after I nearly had several car crashed because of my drunk farther trying to take control (and several other incidents-mostly being scared at the smart people I know being reduced to 3yr intellect) I'd hate to see where I go :(

    My hands are hurting-so I think I'll stop here.
  19. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    *3 thumbs up for drinking in school*
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'd rather hang out with kids half my age who don't drink (which...is becoming rare here-dam drinking culture is infecting kids...) than those of my age that drink.

    The second my mates mention "club" or "bar" or "buy me a slab you have id" I tell them this...


    ..btw-they are legal age-they just cbf'd getting their own id-I'm the only one with a car-and I'm not taking home drunks...my car goes everywhere with me...so drinking is not ideal for someone who drives everyday.