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I got a Wii!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Relys, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Yep, $300 later I went home with my Wii, 2,000 Wii points and Resident Evil 4.


  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Neat! We should share friend codes.

    How is RE4 btw? I have it but I never got around to trying it yet, felt more like trying an adventure game like Harry Potter.
  3. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Celebration! :D
  4. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    i also have!!

    i have wii........ and the games that i own are resident evil 4, pokemon battle revolution, and the newly one wii fit...
  5. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    *thumbs up*

    ...Wait...how'd you get all that for just $300? Was the Point Card free or something?
  6. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Resident Evil 4 is only $30. Seph, you should really try playing it. It's probably the best game that's out for the Wii this moment.

    I'll PM you my friend code.
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well I already had Resident Evil 4. Anyway, I decided to try it and it IS indeed great, I logged like 7 hours already. :p
    Trying to get the presidents daughter out of the damn place now. I'll add you once I get out of the game. :p
  8. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    ...I don't remember seeing any Wii games under $50 at Gamestop...huh...

    Well, I really enjoy my system, particularly the Internet Channel. Enjoy yours!
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Err, I got it at $0.

    Oh wait no, the blank DVD was like $0.35.
  10. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    But how much to mod your system?
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    $40 for modchip $20 for installation.

    I have some 20 games for it now so I'd say I've saved quite a bit. Resident Evil I might buy though, it's pretty fun.

    Edit: If anyone wishes to share friend codes then just PM me with yours and I'll send mine.
  12. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Which mod chip did you end up getting. I'm still waiting in tell my warranty expires or there's a solid modchip on the market.
  13. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Wiikey, claims to be undetectable and update able. I don't see why it's NOT solid?
  14. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    How hard would it be to install it myself? There's no modchip service store in Alaska.
  15. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Quite hard, the contact points are tiny, get someone who's good at soldering to do it.
  16. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Oh my God, you are such a daredevil Seph. What if something had gone wrong?@! 8)

    God bless the children of Wii!

  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Haha well it did, I had my dad try to solder it first, and though he's had quite a lot of experience with soldering the equipment we had wasn't good enough, so one of the contact points got burned.

    So my dad took it to a friend of his who is into hardware. (despite being a software programmer :p) He managed to not only solder the contact points but also trace the wire from the burnt contact point to the leg of the chip and solder it to that. That's incredibly hard, so I got lucky really. So in short, DO NOT try to solder this yourself unless you have professional grade equipment and a very steady hand.
  18. ultra

    ultra Guest

    the newer wii's are harder to mod because nintendo did something to it where if you wanted to mod it, you'll have to cut or drill off a certain amount of the board or something and then solder it. there is a report of this, but i don't know where to find it, maybe you can google it.
  19. bushvack

    bushvack New Member

    If you guys have a bit of technical know-how, you'd be interested in this site about moding a wii...


    It's an open-source modchip, that I ended up using. End cost was about 10 dollars to make the chip and a programmer to update the chip any time a new firmware is released.
  20. pottasome

    pottasome Member

    what should i choose,, between wii and ps3 ??? ???...i d love to play the new metal gear and star wars... they look awesome... but looking at some posts i noticed most of ya liked wii

    and i hope the next thing i m about to ask is not illegal.....

    i have a ps2 which is modified and i love the fact that i can buy pirated copies for Rs.150 (around $1.2)

    i just wanted to ask wether u can modiefy the wii or ps3 aswell..so that i can keep on buying tons of games ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D