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i found a good poem on the net

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Apollooo, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    i accidentaly found a good poem from the net, it's not by me..but i found this . this poem is based from kingdom hearts character's names and traits, and story

    Sora's name means sky
    Riku's name means Land
    Kairi's name means Sea/ocean
    Terra's name means earth
    Ven's name means wind
    Aqua's name means water (duh =P)
    Namine's name means wave
    Xion's name means Tide.

    We look to the Sky for hope and dreams.
    We look to the Land for support.
    We look to the Sea for comfort.

    The Earth is stalwart and strong, no one person can ever truly control it.
    The Wind is free and light, like a spirit of the ut most purity.
    The Water keeps the earth from dieing and stops the wind from being coming dry and harsh.

    The sounds of the ocean Waves makes us forget our troubles and lull us into a peaceful sleep.
    The Tide washes away all as it comes and goes, and when it fades away it leaves no trace that it was there.

    the connection is
    this part is based on sora, riku and kairi
    "We look to the Sky for hope and dreams."
    means sora is full of dream and hope that he wants to travel the world

    "We look to the Land for support."
    Riku is always be a brother figure to sora and support him even he was jealous of sora at KH 1

    "We look to the Sea for comfort."
    Kairi gave her friends comfort with her pure heart.

    and this one is terra ,aqua,and ven

    "The Earth is stalwart and strong, no one person can ever truly control it."
    this resembles terra's heart that strong, but filled with darkness, and uncontrollable

    "The Wind is free and light, like a spirit of the utmost purity."
    and this one is resembling ven's heart which is pure and free

    "The Water keeps the earth from dieing and stops the wind from being coming dry and harsh."
    this one is for aqua which give ven and terra an older sister figure , and she has to keep them on-the -line and keep them both safe. this also shopw how much the bond of three of them were depend on aqua

    "The sounds of the ocean Waves makes us forget our troubles and lull us into a peaceful sleep."
    this line is for Namine and his ability to manipulate memories, and led sora to a long recovery sleep

    "The Tide washes away all as it comes and goes, and when it fades away it leaves no trace that it was there."
    this remsembling Xion, which is come out of nowhere, but she affect axel and roxas' life so much, creating a deep bond between those three, but when she died, she leaves no trace of her existence, and everyone just forget everything about her, which make me cried when playing the game.
  2. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    Good one, but you don't need to explain the meaning ;)
    It'll ruin the real enjoyment.
  3. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    I've gotta question your definition of "poetry".