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I feel awful

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aiiko, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    Warning-whiny rant ahead. Possible tl;dr. I just feel the need to get this off my chest. We all need to do this sometimes right?

    My God. I just don't know where I'm coming or going anymore-I feel awful! My old friends have deserted me and the people who I thought I could trust have turned out to be nothing more than pretenders. My mum also hinted that as soon as I turn 18 I'm out of the house because she no longer legally needs to care for me (I'm 18 in September) and I'm failing my college course because I'm behind on the work. I didn't even want to do that course, I wanted to do my A Levels but stupid Aiiko managed to screw up and get a D in her English and Maths GCSEs, so instead I took up this stupid course so that I retake Maths and hopefully get onto A Levels. Well hopefully I passed Maths this time. I don't even know what I want for the future >_< Sometimes it's just so tempting to give everything up but I just can't do that.

    I really need to get my life back on track. I need to re-apply for A Levels, see a counsellor, make some real friends, try to complete this course, get a job and find somewhere to live. Oh, yes and I need confidence!

    *Willhelm scream*
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    I failed my Marketing 101 5 times......I failed 4 times and i miss then 5th one.....

    although i got a C- on the 6th time and i didnt study for that 6th time because of the working.....

    you need to be more carefree, like me...If you fail, there is nothing you can do to make up for it...so just retake the exam.

    PS: if i failed that 6th time, i need to redo the whole course.
  3. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Well I always say, if you fail too many times then maybe that's not your strong point. So, find something you're good at? Maybe design? Or whatever, I know I never liked studying so I took up a design course. Wouldn't say Im that great but certainly doing better than when I was in a study course.
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    don't worry, if your really worried about getting kicked out go to your local youth club, they should if they know what thier doing know loads of organisations that can help you. you are not alone and don't worrie to much about studies as worrie just makes it worse. i know it can be scary having to grow up especialy when you have to think of what you want to do for the rest of your life so young. i didn't finally find what i wanted to do till i was 19.
    my advise would be to chillout and go with the flow. if your stuggeling in class talk to your college they will most likely help you or give you an extention and as i said before a youth club should have loads of info for you.
  5. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    Thanks :) I'm thinking about taking up Photography and Film/Media Studies next year. I think I'd do well and I'd enjoy them. But,if I can't do these for some reason I guess I could take up a vocational course in Art,Design and Media. I can be quite creative and I do enjoy practical learning as well as studying...hmmm...
    I've just sent off a job application to a clothing store and I'm going to apply in some game shops too. Life doesn't look so bleak anymore. You're right I need to relax more and if I fail this course-so what?It's not what I wanted to do (I was kind of pressganged into it ¬_¬) afterall. I think I'm just scared of failure and potentially messing up my life so sudden changes can be hard... :D I might start building up a portfolio in advance even though I don't need one I suppose it couldn't hurt right?
    Anyway I'm off to finish this stupid essay-thanks! ;D
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    your sounding like your in the right mind frame now hope all goes well. and if it doesn't..... oh well try something else live changes all the time and unless you go with the flow your doomed.
    i did crap in school, went to college did 2 years of carpentry got bored/depresed had a child with someone i'd only been with for a month, my child was born with his guts on the outside. we spent six months in hospital.
    i got in to youth work then i started college again doing childcare, now i'm in my second year and about to finnish.
    i'm extremely respected by the people i know, i have a beautifull child and best off all i'm happy.

    see thats what happened in the last 4 years, allot can happen in your life and you just got to pull the good bits out of life or it will be shit.
    for every bad thing that happens think of two good things as it is all to easy to remember the bad things so try to remember the good
  7. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Well Aiiiko, I wish you luck in your life. And come back to romulation forums anytime and more often eh.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Coming from a Country where family really matters, I really can't accept the fact that in some cultures having a kid is just some big dead weight obligation. If you think that you're just legally binded to care for your kid then why have one in the first place?

    I really hope your karma gets way better Aiiko, 'cause I think you're more than capable to be on your own, just stick to your plans & keep cool, you'll manage ;D

    As for those asshole pretender friends of yours, they'll get what's coming for them, believe me, one way or another, they'll pay! ;D
  9. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Cheer up, know your problems and think of solutions for them. Life can be hard, but things can only get better from here. You'll find a place, you'll find a job, you'll pass your exams, you'll meet new people (who might be friends). It's rare to have good friends, so don't feel bad if there are pretenders. Don't give up on your ambitions, cheer up and think of all the good things to come!