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Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by megashell, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Hello so this is an anime talk place, i draw some, i upload some you comment is that right?

    well here is a chibi i have done, so that i do not break or bend any rules i will only upload 1 per day, so what do you think?

    100 or so kilobites

  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the facial features (eyes, eyebrows, cheeks etc) should not be in front of the hair, they should be behind.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    look like someone been watching lucky star.

    btw the eyebrows look alittle off, but i just cant point out whats wrong.....
  4. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    actually if u notice it certain manga and anime has the feature drawn in front like honey and clover(talking bout the manga and anime) just like how clamp draw their character to be somewhat longer arms and though may seem not proportioned they actually do lol.when you look at the whole body this is the mangaka style when drawing and each of them is diffrent.^_^
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well those i saw in other manga is just chibi version of the normal character, but lucky star is the one who draw the mouth like a racoon.
  6. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Tnx for the replies, LOL, yeah eyebrows also looked weird to me, but just plain lines looked crabz. i didnt go for any style i just drew, well anyway i dont just draw chibis, but i still have one to go after this post so here it is ^^ 'njoy

  7. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    urm sorry i havnt posted forever my internet kinda died. so here is another pic

    this i did for one of my friends , LOL, its baka-kon-sama

  8. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    the last one is ok lol not bad if its drawn in a more evil way it will make it into the silent hill monster list lol
  9. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    HAHA, silent hill monster! LOL, how do i draw it darker so that it may look darker? haha tnx for the reply


    Okay here is a tank-man-girl i did for ->rules<- some other website, i don't know if you will see it on your screen i don't on mine but there is a bit of a transparency thing going on with her so dont flame me cuz of it i know...
  10. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    The forum seems dead.... hmmm

    well here is a picture i remade of some other one, the original one is here if you want to check it out...


  11. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member


    Okay so here is gordon from half life ;D he loves his crowbar DONT TAKE IT AWAY, you may D-I-E!!!!!
    its a bit messy here and there but what canya do right?

  12. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    Hunchback of half life lol all the work of alien ass kicking has make him tired^_^ but its ok keep up the good work(that means more LOL)
  13. -a55-

    -a55- Well-Known Member

    damn,your pretty good..
  14. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member


    Nice demented Goron ;D
  15. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    lol gordon and his crowbar, he needs that thing
    nice stuff
  16. Winterreise

    Winterreise New Member

  17. blazeboy12

    blazeboy12 Member

    WOW you are an awesome drawer you could make a anime tv series! :p

    I like it :p
  18. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    haha! thanx for all the comments! its really cool of you all ! ! ! seems you all like the Gordon thing ^^

    i haven't been here for a week now, its holiday here, or was... its done and gone now! O what a world D=

    LOL, okay well here is another one

    I hope this isn't to big! anyway i really hate smoking it makes me wanna die! O if only sigies had feelings!!

  19. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    lol that made me laugh, and then cough real hard *has a cold and sore throat*
    i like it
  20. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    :p haha, tnx 'rush n kaos' glad you like it

    sorry i cant reply to all of you! I'm only posting 1 time per day, do not hate meeee... anyway time for a new one.

    just to say some of these as you may have seen aren't anime, so- don't get mad cuz its not! anyway here is a new one.

    Bad scan much, and its not even done! ... i lost intrest in it o well here you go
