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I don"t know what to put on "subject". I'm miax98

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Miax98, Apr 18, 2010.

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  1. Miax98

    Miax98 New Member

    Hello to everyone. Hope my english won't be too horrible because english isn't my first language.

    My name is Miax98, i'm french and i live in Madagascar. I found Romulation two month ago. I was searching for the game jump ultimate stars and i hasn't know any sites with NDS Rom. Then i saw that Romulation have a lot of rom that i hasn't found before like Turok or 1080° snowboarding.

    I love video games and i'm addicted to this. I'm a big fan of nintendo but i like the others too. I'm also a fan of mangas and music(variety and rock are the best for me).

    My favorite type of game is fight game and also RPG. My top five is
    5-Street fighter II
    4-Street fighter IV
    3-Paper mario(N64,GC and Wii)
    2-Jump super stars
    1-Dissidia: Final fantasy

    If you have any quetions about me don't hesitate, ask on this subject or send me a pm
  2. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Hey Miax, don't worry there are loads of people on here who don't have English as their first language, hopefully you'll benefit from posting and you're English will get awesome! ;) Anyway, have fun on here!
  3. 01philip01

    01philip01 Active Member

    just wondering what are you playing 1080 snowboarding on?
    its a n64 game, are you playing emulator or nds? :p
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