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i catch a cold....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by calvin_0, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    4 days ago....

    day 1: it was horrible, because i keep sneezing and blowing my nose every 10-20mins, taken some cold pill.

    day 2: my cold is better, but i still need to blow my nose, my mucus have gotten ticker and there is blood in my mucus.

    day 3: my cold is gone, but i still have running nose, there is no blood in my mucus....i think i'm cured...

    day 4: i doesnt have running nose, but there is still mucus so i need to blow my nose to clear them...the blood is back....

    today: i still have mucus, there is no blood in my mucus but there is blackish thing that look like blood in them...

    sorry i dont have any picture.....why do you think there is blood in my mucus? i think i damage my nose somewhere during day 1.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Colds are viral, antibiotics have no effect on them.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    ya...but they reduce my sneeze....that all i need.....
  4. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    my advice: get some rest and eat healthy. no medicine can cure cold instantly
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    luckily my cold doest lead to any serious cough this time...because my old friend Mr. Asthma always pay a visit during serious cough....

    well i been working in those days...and i think some of my cor-worker catch my cold ;D
  6. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    so this has been going on for 5 days?

    if you haven't gone to the doctor by now, you should go. Also, take some Vicks or Nyquil ( both have a special bottle for colds).

    This could be the work of allergies, so if you think its that, then try claritin, or allegra.
  7. ultra

    ultra Guest

    if you have asthma and have a cold, be very cautious. depending on how your body is, you can easily catch an infection. i know i typically get an infection from a cold or cough during the colder seasons. also, since you're asthmatic, be cautious on the medicine you take, you may have allergies. i have an allergic reaction to aspirin, ibuprofen and the sodium naproxine.

    as a side note, wash your hands and don't touch your face and such as it'll introduce more germs into your body.
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well my cold is gone now......normally when i catch a cold, it will take a week for me to recover...so i wont goto a doctor within a week unless i'm having a serious cough....

    i'm not sure so far i dont have any allergic reaction from any medicine that i took, i only have light asthma that develop becuase of my weak lung, as long as i dont have any sickness that affect my lung i'll be fine....however most doctor told me that i will have asthma when i'm old.
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Well, I've already had asthma. I've gotten a cold these past two days, hence why I was on at an unusual time yesterday (see Almo I didn't wag :p). A week though? That's horrible.