OK so I computer says that when I try to download any Roms from this site they don't have a Aurthur for the file so I cant use them I need help now plez ??? :-[
Please explain your problem further, what are you trying to do with the rom, and what kind of rom is it? Also, your signature is too large, it exceeds the dimensions stated in the [rules]. I'm pretty sure.. Actually I'm certain.
We'll need the exact error message you get, when you get it and where, i.e is it WinRAR that gives it, your browser or out site?
But your thread says you cant download any of the roms. Yet you say you download but cant play it. Which is it?
Dude if its that u can't play the roms you downloaded try updating your firmware. Refrain from this site: http://linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds/
I don't see that on the website he gave me PS it says I cant open it but I have to find the author of the file aka the person that made it
If you have WinRAR .rar files will be 3 books with a belt or something around them. Or check your Program Files or on your "Add or Remove Programs" when you go to the Control Panel.
No, that's a flashcart if I'm not mistaken. Download it from http://www.rarlabs.com/ and install it. If you need any help, use the tutorial stickied in General Discussion.
I have tryed it but I dont get it at all I have looked at the faq of it but it doesn't make sense how do you work this thing! ???