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I beat Final Fantasy 4 Advance yesterday...

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by xelados, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    It deserves a lot of recognition, at least in my eyes. Why? It's the only Final Fantasy that's managed to hold my attention and make me like it! I liked it so much that I bought The After Years before I had even beaten the game.

    That said, I'm wondering which character's trial I should undergo first. Out of Kain, Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and Edge, whose trial is the easiest to get started with?
  2. noitenshi

    noitenshi Well-Known Member

    Oh, it's been years since I played this version of Final Fantasy IV. I want to say Rosa's was the easiest, but I'm not completely sure, but I do remember having trouble with Edge's. But that's just me.

    Hope that helps, if only by a bit.
  3. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    good for you..
    mine doesn't save
  4. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I stopped playing this game before the final dungeon.. dunno why.. XD
  5. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    @meganova - me too (i played the DS version btw). it's probably something to do with having few saving points with the enemies and bosses being ultra-tough that one mistake or unlucky stroke gets you killed, and you start all over again.
  6. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Yep, zangief.
    I've been completely annihilated just because lack of restoring items, which I've to use lots of MP to heal characters thus resulting to a complete disaster during the boss fight.. Oh well.. ;D
  7. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Admittedly, once you get to the last dungeon you need to grind until the late 50s to even stand a chance. I was underleveled as hell when I got there... at least the experience is pretty decent. Go beat up on Behemoths!
  8. marzz92

    marzz92 Well-Known Member

    Me too... I played the DS version, also stopped there.
  9. cilantro

    cilantro Member

    I forgot where I stopped playing but it got too hard. Love the game though~
  10. Wadsy

    Wadsy New Member

    The DS version was far harder than the GBA. I played the GBA one ages ago, never had huge issues (i.e. never camped around a save point grinding). The DS version was far tougher. Even once I beat the final boss (on my first attempt) I still couldn't handle a 2 red dragon encounter (if I was lucky I ran away and only got hit by one thermal ray. If I was unlucky they both got one off and I just died :( ).

    Still, I prefer the DS version to the GBA, but I'm a bit of a masochist :p
  11. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member

    Well, from my experience, the GBA is easier in comparison. Apparently, the GBA version gives you extra turns, randomly, so you can launch more actions, regardless of the characters' ATB.
  12. janlukky

    janlukky Well-Known Member

    i still remember where i stop playing apparently i kept loseing at the tower in the dwarf's kingdom....i am stuck on a tatic on the boss that uses reverse.