how do i use cheat? theres no option for it.... i already do the suggestion press Y on game and then press X but nothing happen any idea?
Have you enabled the 'Cheat' under START menu in the settings after running the wood.nds? Make sure to add usrcheat.dat into the cheat folder in your SD Micro. And make sure, whatever game that you want to cheat has it's offsets inside the cheat database file. Else, you'll never see something that is not there or if not yet set to activate.
My r4 card is r4 revolution...(sucks im using tablet n cant put external link) Already move the usrcheat.dat but among 3 cheats i enter, only 1 game detected.... i already done the settings
Have you added the Game ID to the usercheat.dat file? Without it, the cheats wont be detected. Spoiler