I'm trying to do the Chrono Trigger fix, but I have no idea how to put in new cheats. My FlashCart is a M3 DS Real, as stated in the topic. Any help is appreciated. Note: This is the one solution I want to try. Don't suggest the patches, because I ALSO don't know how to do those.
R4CCE is what is recommended. http://yasu.rank.nu/yasu/count.cgi?n=r4cce&l=http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA013928/bin/r4cce084.zip
Sorry, but I don't know how to download it. Google translate didn't help. I can't find the download link, and I don't really trust it. Any other program?
That should work, it's a direct link. In any other case, there should be a button at the top that says "Engrish." That is also the official site of the program. Engrish -> Soft -> R4CCE