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How will a computer handle wii emus

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Shadow stormer, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. its going to be tough to play a wii game on emulation dontcha think because its probley going to end up that we end up shaking our computer screens, or we have an ingame wii remote to move what do you think
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I think the emulator authors will make it a requirement to have the actual WiiMote, there are already programs that enable you to use it with your PC so that part is actually handled.

    Emulating the WiiMote isn't really a viable option since you don't have a standard 3D navigation device and using a 2D navigation device (mouse) to move a 3D navigation device would involve changing dimensions and such, would be hell.