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How was this screenshot approved?

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by marcy, Apr 28, 2009.

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  1. marcy

    marcy Guest

    No really, say you're kidding.
    A menu screen was approved and further down you say menu screens won't get approved?

  2. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Not really my business but I would call that a stat screen not a menu screen
  3. jazzasidari

    jazzasidari Well-Known Member

    well pm about it to loonylion or seph
  4. -a55-

    -a55- Well-Known Member

    yeah,its not a title menu or a menu screen. It is a stat screen,it shows the way stats are listed in the game.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    As the others has said, that is pretty much the logic, it's not the menu screen with "start game, load game" etc. It shows an aspect of the game, namely stats and equipment.
  6. marcy

    marcy Guest

    General definition of a menu: Thing with shiny buttons, where you can do something.

    And what do we have on that screenshot?
    Hey right, a thing with shiny buttons, where you can do something. :)
    Or to be exact an equipment menu, where you can ...umm, right, change the equipment. ;D

    You can get to that screen from a thing called "main menu" ...and if that thing called "main menu" is the "main" and it contains an other thing, then that thing must be obviously some kind of "sub menu".
    In our case that "sub menu" is called "equipment", so it's obviously an "equipment menu".
    I hope this explanation wasn't too fast for anyone :), but in case it was I CAN EXPLAIN IT EVEN MORE DETAILED, if you insist. :)

    That is pretty much the logic. ^^

    What you're referring to is often called "title menu". ^^
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I disagree, a title screen is something like in Pokemon Platinum where you see Giratina and it says "Press start" and the menu screen is then where you can load a game or start a new one.

    But there's no need to be condescending, we're not changing the rules anyway.
  8. marcy

    marcy Guest

    Who demands to change the rules?
    They are fine like they are, but since that screen above is a menu screen, it shouldn't be there. (At least in my thinking)

    Well, what can I say, if it's OK to submit screenshots like that one above I probably should try to get throught with some of that kind, too.

    It was more bloody sarcasm.
    :-\ Sorry if that looked a little condescending, but I found it important to make my point clear.
    And moreover my line of reasoning, is still quite logical, aslong as you've nothing persuasive to prove me wrong. :)
  9. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I think seeing what stat screens look like in an rpg is pretty important as in most rpg's they are vital with regards to gameplay. A bad or ugly layout for an important element such as character stats can become an annoyance and effect gameplay.

    If you where presented with a simple rock-paper-scissors game on the ds and the gameplay consisted of choosing rock-paper-scissors from a menu of 3 options then your pedantic opinion would mean no screenshots can be shown for that game, but a more sensible approach is to say that the 3 menu options are vital to the gameplay and therefore deserve a screenshot.

    If you look at the 3rd screenshot in your image above you will see a menu of 3 options which are used during gameplay, your argument would mean that this screenshot should be removed as well, which would be silly as it shows actual gameplay.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I think it should only show game play shots, any kind of menu (options, press start, stats, etc) aren't soo important, sure it shows us all aspects of the game work it's kinda...unessacary...
  11. marcy

    marcy Guest

    So, you want to say the first screenshot is important and vital and stuff, because if it would look bad it could be annoying in the game, eventually.
    There are acually three things that bother me about your statement:

    1. It seems you have no solid example where such a screen is really important to the gameplay.
    2. It doesn't change the fact that screen shows a menu.
    3. You indirectly admit it's not showing any kind of gameplay. ::) right here ->
    Which means it isn't gameplay itself.

    I'm not talking about any imaginary rock-paper-scissors game screenshots. And I'm not talking about any other screenshot that may be somewhere.
    Neither I know your imaginary rock-paper-scissors game nor I can see its screenshots, which means I can't judge them.
    I'm talking about that screenshot above. (in that red ellipse)

    I agree with you. :)
    Removing the 3rd screenshot would be ...wrong, because it shows gameplay.
    But, removing the 1st screenshot would not be wrong, because it doesn't show any gameplay. It only shows the equipment menu.

    NOTE: I prefer being pedantic when it comes to rules. Not that I like to be pedantic, but I don't like to be sloppy in that point.
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    This is stupid now, and yes removing screenshot one would be plain wrong.

    Locked for retardness.
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