Finally, a new person. You will benefit from this thread. - You need either Brawl or a few other games. The Bannerbomb hack doesn't work on 4.3 unfortunately. After you get the homebrew channel and BootMii. Make a nand backup. Then, you can just run Pimp My Wii. It's folder goes into the \apps folder on your SD Card. Just read up on it before you do it. There's a 4.3 soft-mod guide on my thread.
Did you look at the Soft-Mod guides at all or read? What stage are you on? I'm sorry if I sound mean or anything. I have modded my Wii a lot and have learned more than anyone I know. And I have helped countless people mod their Wiis and people in real life as well.
and do NOT and i mean NOT DOWNGRADE FROM 4.3U TO 4.2U YOU WILL GET AN IOS BRICK!(i made an oopsie now its bricked) to downgrade you have to fix a few ios that 4.2 uses but 4.3 turns into a stub
You might as well not at all. It's not worth it to be honest with you unless you make a NAND backup and you have BootMii as Boot2.
Well, that sucks a lot of nuts. Of course. Any copy will do. You don't install HackMii. HackMii is an installer that allows you to install the Homebrew Channel and BootMii.
uggh i wish people would take a chance to find something out, Homebrew doesnt affect anything unless you apply somthing to something like, the "Stop Netflix forever" patch(sarcasm) And anyways why doncha find out yourself? it can always be undone
Yeah, you can. Please, do ask any questions. I can answer just about anything. There is a wad channel of it now. And you can get on Wifi with it even if you are 4.2 or lower system.