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How to Save Megaman Legends 3 Help if interested

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Shuga, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. Shuga

    Shuga Well-Known Member

    For more details click here i dont want to post the entire article so... here it ishttp://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=9085141

    Hope it helps :D

    Here's the OFFICIAL problem:

    Capcom looked at the number of members registered in the MML3 DevRoom as the official number of units they could anticipate to sell if they green-lighted the title for Full Development. The game was never authorized for full time development because the numbers in North America were less than 4500. Which with development costs it was deemed Financially Unacceptable to release the title.

    HOWEVER, The DevTeam convinced them to leave the North American Development room on Capcom-Unity open in an effort to try and generate enough members to change their minds. Also inside the DevRoom is the Official Petition to release the prototype of the game and continue development of the game on a FULL SCALE.

    In order to do this however we need your help to spread the word out to your 25,000+ people to do 2 things...
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    So they base their sales assumptions upon something that not a lot of people heard of?

    That's capcom for you.
  3. Shuga

    Shuga Well-Known Member

    A shame for them cause i personally didnt knew about the page, as i know a lot of thousands people are not signed there but oh well u.u
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I hope it's not false, but I'm pretty sure it is.

    Basing sales from a member count on a forum that you can only really find out about of the gaming blogs/websites. I mean really, think about it. Those people are an incredibly small minority.

    Capcom said they'd base interest of the game in the prototype/demo thing to see if it's a viable profit, why did this not happen.
  5. Shuga

    Shuga Well-Known Member

    Well the producer has already responded to this so i must have faith lol, look at this article

    "After Mega Man Legends 3 was cancelled, fans began a movement to get the game back and now, Yoshiyuki Fujikawa, the programming director for the game has expressed his support of the movement. He notes that he’s personally interested in seeing how things turn out and although he’s not in a position to wish fans good luck, he believes the movement could get noticed if fans show a lot of interest."