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how to reuse an ereased r4 again

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by hondini, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. hondini

    hondini Active Member

    i made a mistake.... the computer ereased my r4 completely..... and i want to use it again. it is a normall r4 with a black background and silver dots. can you please give me the things i need to reuse it again?
  2. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    just google for the firmware here

    for original what r4 have u got what kind box it come in
  3. hondini

    hondini Active Member

    this one
  4. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    If I was you, I wouldn't even mind downloading the r4 firmware. Just download wood r4 1.12 and you will be all set
  5. hondini

    hondini Active Member

  6. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    look for wood in forums ull enjoy it its easy 2 install and theirs loads of tutorials for it have fun
  7. hondini

    hondini Active Member

    it won't load.... i installed it but it won't load...
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Your R4 look's original - dose it use a 2GB microSD chip ownly ?

    You can use panasonic micro sd formatter to do a proper format of your microSD chip - unplug and replugin in after use of the formatter!

    And no one mentiond the latest Wood R4 v1.13


    Note a R4 original can only take upto a 2GB microSD chip ownly - NOT SDHC microSD chips

    Extract the content from inside the folder of R4 Wood and not the folder it's self
    Post Merge: [time]1286037853[/time]
    Your card ?

  9. hondini

    hondini Active Member

    that is the card!
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Then WoodR4 v1.13 will work on it if done right - Do read my message abouth ^

    Do not extract the folder it self to the root of your microSD chip

    Just thease files inside the folder onto the root of your microSD chip


    That is it , add a Games folder if you like to place your games into it

    Note Root of microsd chip - exsample F:\ = Root
  11. hondini

    hondini Active Member

    still won't work. it still says "loading..." and it freezes.
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Check the top ledge of your R4 card - are the bubble's in half like the pic ? - are they fully rounded ?

    If they are fully rounded then is a clone R4

    If it's half then it's original and wood R4 dose work on it

    Did you also do a full erase of your microSD chip with panasonic micro sd formatter ?

    Ops sorry forgot link



    Post Merge: [time]1286042079[/time]
    You could try WAIO for R4 clones

  13. hondini

    hondini Active Member

    it still freezes... and the dots are rounded.
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    Check the abouth link for the clone version firmware WRIO
  15. hondini

    hondini Active Member

    i used that one..... but i wonder why it won't load.... i used everything right....
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Did you do a full erase with your microSD chip are a full format ?

    Are you using upto a 2GB microSD chip only ?
  17. hondini

    hondini Active Member

    yep. but i'll try to erase it fully again.
    Post Merge: [time]1286055005[/time]
    nope.... still not working.
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Try these links. ** NOTE: This is if your cart is an Original R4DS **

    May be one will fit your need. Its a link for almost all cart firmwares and kernels, including its tools.



    You might also need to format your cart. You need to format your SD card to FAT32 (not FAT or FAT16 or even NTFS).




    1. Format your SD Card to FAT32.
    2. Download the R4 kernel (latest version) and copy it into your card.
    3. Run it in your DS Console
    4. If it run ok, next you may want to download the latest Wood R4 v.1.13 or latest YSMENU. Or both.

    (If you decide to download both YSMENU & Wood R4. You need to make sure before you move your Wood R4 folder which is "_rpg folder" to your cart, first move the _DS_MENU.DAT that belong to the Wood R4 only into the '_rpg folder' as a pre-caution to avoid conflict reading, cause the R4's kernal also have the same .DAT file name.)

    There are 2 types of YSMENU in circulation in the internet.
    1. Yasu's Original YSMENU v.06 (not able to run PKM B/W)
    2. VividBoy's modified version of Yasu's YSMENU: YSMENU R4YSauto v.0.02 (can run un-translated PKM B/W)

    Latest TTMENU for YSMENU : Unofficial TTDS/DSTT v.117a12 rev32
    Latest R4DS Kernel is : v.1.18

    Note: Wood R4 only work on Original R4DS (can run both un-translated and English translated version of PKM B/W)
    YSMENU can work on any R4 Original & Clones.

    You might need to also find copies of DLDI files to add into your firmware. Appropriate ones that is with the name "r4", just copy it and place it in the TTMENU for use on YSMENU or in the main root inside '_rpg folder' for Wood. But don't do it unless you can't run it. If it run ok, you don't need to add any DLDI files.

    The reason you haven't been able to make it work base on the respond given to you was because no one mentioned about you still need the R4 kernels to run the firmware (wood/ysmenu). You need the R4's "_system_ folder" and "_DS_Menu" to make it work. Cause the R4's kernel is the brain for the cart, the firmware is merely like a software for the cart.

    I'm no expert on this, but I did manage to make it work after several trial and errors by myself. Hopefully if your's is R4DS Original can make use of this method. If not, then sorry, I was merely trying to help.