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How to play Pokemon platinum world wide ?

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Ouassim, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. Ouassim

    Ouassim Active Member

    The title already says it how do i play Pokemon Platinum WorldWide ? without friend code?
  2. Piotrbov

    Piotrbov Member

    You must first beat the Elite Four.
  3. Ouassim

    Ouassim Active Member

    Is there maybe a way to do that with Pokésav ?
    Post Merge: [time]1253796760[/time]
  4. Skellyhell

    Skellyhell Member

    The way i considered doing it was giving myself all 8 badges, a team strong enough to fight the E4, then changing my location to be at the pokemon league.
    Unsure how badly it would affect game triggers though
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    With any pokemon game I can beat it in a day with just 2 pokemon-a legendary and a starter.

    Those 2-with lots of focussed training-should be at level 70 by the time you face the elite four-but that's from personaly experience in speed runs.

    Also-bumping doesn't work here-it's merged so you might as well sit and wait Ouassim :)

    (The mods put it on because it became a nusiance-now we no longer complain as it's automaticly fixed XD)
  6. Ouassim

    Ouassim Active Member

    lol ok :p

    but stil i dont get my answer can i get my 8 badges with Pokesav ?
    or a athor way to do thatq
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    See if it has that option. http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/pokesavdownload.php
  8. Ouassim

    Ouassim Active Member

    ok i have beated the elite four i have all the badge's how the hell can i battle world wide
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Fly to Snowpoint, go to the boat with the man next to it.
  10. Ouassim

    Ouassim Active Member

    So there can i play world wide ?
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    but then i come in the battel zone there i cant play world wide :-/
  11. MasterKupo

    MasterKupo Well-Known Member

    What card and region of Pokemon Platinum are you using? Some of the older Platinum roms won't support wi-fi on older firmware, kupo.