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How to hack a Wii??

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by neptuneshaun, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. neptuneshaun

    neptuneshaun Member

    well title says it all really.

    Im after some sort of way of gettin downloaded games to play. Iv heard of this HomeBrew thing, but was wondering if someone could narrow things down for me at all.

    P.S sorry if this is wrong section or breaks any rules.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: How to hack a Wii



    Do check the tutorials section next time, also you need to know what your firmware is before starting as it's critical.
  3. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Buy the "Black Book of Wicca" and start chanting... if you see a Leprechaunt,tell him he owes me money
  4. neptuneshaun

    neptuneshaun Member

    hey i know its been a few days, not been on since i did this thread. do you know if these guides work for copyed games or is it just for say backing up games and being able to use snes megadrive etc roms instead of downloading them.
    sory for the questions im not to sure what happens with these as the guides dont state that you can used copyed games. just after some light as to what these will allow me to do please
  5. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    using game-copies = backed-up games ...

    you mean,for emulation ? i think so... well,i have no clue.I dont own a Wii
  6. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    My Wii could play fake games on CD's since purchase, and I assure you I've never even tried hacking it.. :eek:
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    i can see you're interested!!

    what's your system menu? - wii icon bottom left-hand corner, go to System Settings, System Menu version is in the upper right-hand corner.

    once you check that, then i can set you up!

    unless if you have 4.1 or below, then use the link that hypnos gave. and if you want to do more with your wii, just PM me.

    here is a treasuretrove for wii hacking!! - https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=29153.0

    just read most of the posts....mainly mine i think. i hacked my wii and my friend's with ease....it's just like tying shoes now..

    i can help you hack a wii via chat-room if you want me too...i've done it before...twice i think.

    are you sure?

    a wii can't play burned games without a mod-chip or being soft-modded...
  8. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    I am 100% sure, there was a Chinese lady walking from door to door in my compound selling pirate DVDs and games, I bought like 50 Wii games for about 10 dollars. It worked instantly on my Wii, without any hack or mod whatsoever.

    My only explanation to that is that it was modded when I bought it?
  9. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    WHATT???? Oh man ,you must be the luckiest gamer
  10. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    With the Homebrew Channel installed you can basically install any homebrew. I personally installed Neogamma R7 for burned games and the Configurable USB Loader for game backups.


    This topic is hands-down the most thorough topic I have seen on the internet in regards to softmodding a Wii, and it covers backup loaders as well. I strongly suggest reading this, if only to understand why things need to be replaced and the precautions that need to be taken.
  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    was it bought new or was it used. i once bought a soft-modded wii from GameStop because they didn't look at it.

    and when you put a burned game into your wii, it WON'T read it whatsoever unless it has a mod-chip in it. or you have the WODE!! it looks simply amazing!! - http://www.wiihacks.com/wode/25298-wode-future-wii-modding.html

    You can only play burned games with a mod-chip or with soft-modding your wii. i even wrote a guide on how to soft-mod wii 4.2 system menus.

    I don't see how your wii can play burned games right out of the box. It HAS to be modified...

    USB loaders are way better than disc loading. It saves your wii disc drive for years to come!
  12. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    You Wii gamers have all the breaks dammit... DSi should be cracked allready (no,it isnt)
  13. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    i wish i could play dsi ware on my dsi. there's a support forum now for dsi hacks. pm me if you're interested mindfever.

    most people who don't know what they're doing with a wii, will probably brick it too.
  14. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    How can this be so ,since they didnt unlock dsi-mode ...

    In any case,DSIWARE has maybe 5-6 games that are worthy... it realy is not that good.belive me, i know... the ammount of "payable-demo" games and shovelware crap is just too much.People rate them high because they have the same riddick :what can you expect from a cheap game? i hate this philosophy...just because it is cheap,does it mean it must get boring fast? As if i bought a candy,and because i gave a 1 cent for it ,must it TASTE like shit?

    Anyway,im off to bed
  15. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    yeah, most of the DSiware games are not worth playing. The Wiiware games are defenitely worth something, mainly the n64 games. Most of them are so-so.

    My philosophy is - "Why should I pay for something when I can get it for free? Unless it's worth buying."
  16. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Amen brother...

    Oh man...for the life of me,i cant explain the stupidity behind Virtual Console unavaiability for the DSi.This could be a insane money machine.What about the Skype proposal that was cancelled/dissed by Nintendo? We could have an app store with usefull apps.We could have a nice wi-fi comm. tool that use cameras for something USEFUL ,for a change... but nooo, ninten-DON'T !
    I'm realy aggravated by their lack of interest in what people want.Why do they do this? Because they can get away with it for a few years...people are getting realy tired of their same old recycling of games scheme. And why is there no YOUTUBE application so it makes your DSi being able to watch video from youtube (not in the browser...a separate app made just for youtube video). Millions of people tolerate this ,because they are showered with tons of games for the DS - this is the only good side. So basicaly,they will be screwed when they are out of ideas.OR even worse: in 1 year there will be a DS 2 and they wont even consider using the DSi's full potential anymore.

    Ok ,seriously now... im off to bed ;)
  17. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    hahah!! true!XD

    off topic, but now back-on topic. PM me to discuss dsi stuff so this topic isn't locked or we get a warning...

    but the wii should have something like an eye cam i think.

    That would be interesting.

    I've heard that you need to install some custom IOS's in order to use the wii speak add-on in the conduit and other games.