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Discussion in 'Game Help' started by soulkeeper 22, May 2, 2008.

  1. soulkeeper 22

    soulkeeper 22 Active Member

  2. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    Cheat. Or go to some Nintendo event. Cheating would probably cost less.
  3. shadowjraider

    shadowjraider Active Member

    ^^ What he said.

    Um, there's supposed to be a Nintendo Event for it. Search online. I think Japan already had it out. Idk about here in the US.

    Something to do with New Moon Island.

    Haven't played Diamond in a while, so you'll have to excuse me (a while is I sold it near the beginning of the year.)

  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    and don't use all caps, it's considered rude.
  5. soulkeeper 22

    soulkeeper 22 Active Member

    thank you.......... ;)
  6. Oyuji

    Oyuji Member

    Shadow was right it is an event but it has nothing to do with new moon island. That's where you get creselia or however you spell it.
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Actually Cresselia moves around in different places.
  8. Peter Clark

    Peter Clark Active Member

    Yeah, it's like Entei and Raikou in Crystal. Damn hard to find them, anyway.
  9. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    ^Don't forget Suicine (did I spell it correct).
  10. Peter Clark

    Peter Clark Active Member

    No, it's Suicune, and I didn't mention Suicune because people usually fight him at least once and catch him with the master (I'm talking about Crystal).

    There's a certain point in the game in which you meet the three legendary dogs: Entei, the Fire dog; Raikou, the Thunder dog; and Suicune, the Mystical dog. I don't know if you can fight one of those three, but I think you can only fight Suicune. Doing so, people always catch him with the master, which is a pitiful mistake; people should use an ultra ball, or other, then use the master for Raikou/Entei, and use tons of luck for the remaining one.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    to catch darkrai in game, you will need to hack a mystery gift event that gives you the item MEMBER'S CARD.

    complete the cresselia sidequest (you only need him to start moving around the map) and then you can go to the abandoned hotel in Canalave.

    Take a rest there, when you wake up, talk to the sailor to get to newmoon island. catch darkrai and you are done.
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You can use pokesav
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    well i think he wants to catch it.

    if he just wants one, then hell, i will make him one.
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You can always use a cheat to do the quest manually, such as "walk through anything" to get the hedgehog guy. Isn't Azure Flute got to do with Darkrai, or is that another legendary?
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    azure flute is arceus.

    member's card is darkrai.

    oak's letter is shaymin.
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Ah, that's the one.
  17. lester2020

    lester2020 Well-Known Member

    Here's the sequence:
    - Hack or go to the event and get the Member Card
    - Go to Canalave City and find the house with a lock door that is now unlock.
    - Watch the scene where the screen faded back and mysteriously transported you to New Moon Island. Note: You are in the Dream World where Darkrai resides on everyones dreams.
    - Enter the forest and fight/catch Darkrai
    - Once you defeated/caught him you'll be able to wake up.
    - You unlock the new destination New Moon Island.

    (If you don't capture Darkrai, then you're lucky to have a second chance now by accessing the new route)
  18. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    note for the process of catching darkrai, you have to do the cresselia part first (not capture, but to the point where it roams around sinnoh)

    otherwise, you'll have a member's card but the door won't open.
  19. Comicmanx

    Comicmanx New Member

    There are two ways, depending on what you have.

    If you have the ROM, get an emus that supports action replay DS codes.
    If you have the actual cartridge buy the AR DS at a walmart or something.

    Next, go to action replay homepage, and depending on how you choose:
    Mystery gift - Go to the european codes and enter the darkrai mystery gift code.
    Go into a pokemart, get the members card, then go to the inn at canalave.
    Walk/Run through anything - Go to the island with cresselia then keep walking left (through the water) and you'll reach
    another island (the colors might mess up, just access a menu then exit).

    Then beat catch darkrai. If you mess up, use the rebattle darkrai code and repeat either step, they both work as long as darkrai is back on the island.
  20. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Does Walmart really sell everything!?