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How to convert VBAlink save+RTS saves to any emulator or M3?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Felouen, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. Felouen

    Felouen New Member

    I have hours of SwordCraft Story's play on Virtual Boy Advance, probably on the VBA http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gba/vboyadvance.html unofficial port version here (VBALink), as I remember downloading either one of these and playing it on it. However when I tried downloading the VBA once again after a long time, only the unofficial port version loads my save and the RTSaves load incorrectly - they load with the whole screen having a red tint and then immediately it all goes black, only the words "Loaded State x" in red remain. When I tried putting the .sav on my M3 Real it doesn't load, neither does converting via the online convertor to the M3 save type. What should I do, does anyone know how can I:

    1) Make those RTSaves work, whether on the VBA or how to convert them to a normal M3/any PC emulator save?

    2) How to convert the normal .sav to a M3/any PC emulator .sav?
  2. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Read the readme.