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How to beat Swiggler in Mario and Luigi: Partners In Time

Discussion in 'Cheats & Hints' started by sonic532, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. sonic532

    sonic532 Active Member

    20 Bro Flowers (At least. You'll need it as a backup item).
    8 Cannonballers (At least).
    All the characters around Level 7.
    Lots of Mushrooms (Even 1-UP's).

    Location: Level 2 in Vim Factory and at the end of the factory.

    Swiggler's Attacks:

    1A: If Swiggler fires purple wind to the front of the character, use the baby's hammer to smash the wind back. Be careful though. The wind can blow back so quickly smash it before you can get hurt.

    1B: If Swiggler smashes the ground, they'll be waves blowing in the ground. Press A and B at the same time to jump as soon as the waves goes near you.

    1C: If Swiggler drinks the green liquid. The purple mushroom guys will absorb the liquid's energy from Swiggler. Now they'll fire beams at you. Just make Mario and Luigi (Or baby versions if the adult ones are dead) jump at the same time. Watch out though. You can get hit because the beams are quick and can fly aboue you.

    This is the attacks I think I only know.

    Your attacks.

    2A: If a Dr. Shroob is holding a metal mushroom. Attack him so the metal mushroom can drop into Swiggler's drink so when Swiggler drinks the liquid, he'll look sick and miss a turn. Be careful not to hit the Dr. Shroob with the red-headed mushroom though, otherwise when Swiggler drinks it, his HP will most likely be restored by around 50 points.

    2B: If BOTH Dr. Shroob's are holding a red-headed mushroom, attack Swiggler with the Cannonballer item. Don't worry. If the Dr. Shroob's turn to a monster, you can counterattack with the hammer. NOTE!: If one Dr. Shroob is holding the red-headed mushroom, attack Swiggler or the other Dr. Shroob.

    That's pretty much I know

    FAQ (Only 1 though because I cant find any tips):

    Q: Whenever I defeat a Dr. Shroob, another one comes. How many are they!
    A: There is infinite. But you are only targeting Swiggler not the Dr. Shroobs too. The battle will end when you defeat Swiggler.

    P.S: Don't abuse me, don't tell me it's gay and don't say "I DON'T CARE" (Or something similar) just because this is a Mario guide or you already know this!!! I wasted my time writing this guide to help you people!!!

    P.P.S: Tell me if there is a problem.

    P.P.P.S: If that's the wrong forum place, don't lock it, move it.

    P.P.P.P.S: GOOD LUCK!!!
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    The many guides to this game recommend not attacking Swiggler unless he is poisoned, since his defense is higher, and it causes him to counter attack.