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how much profit nintendo makes per wii sold....

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by ultra, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest


    when you read some of the comments by the users it's very funny, especially one of them saying that nintendo is greedy for selling systems that are making money while other companies are loosing money. wtf is that guy thinking?!

    my favorite comment,
    "Anyone here read Atlas Shrugged? The comments people are making here sounds like they're straight out of that book. "Companies that are in business to make a profit are evil! They should only be here for the benefit of the people! EVIL!" Very communist sounding.

    But as other people have said, MS and Sony have made huge profits on all kinds of other over-priced crap (MS pretty much has a monopoly on the OS business), that they can afford the loss", gnslinger

    he makes a good point, if a company is more economical, then it's just being smart. sony and microsoft is pushing their limits and in return have to loose some money for it. sony and micro don't really consider cost, they just sell. nintendo tries to sell but with the idea of cost with it, which explains why they manage to earn profit while selling less.
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You messed up the link Ultra. :)
  3. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i managed to get the link again, in other words, it's fixed.
  4. Skies

    Skies Guest

    As opposed to sony who lose mega bucks with each psp which is why they are constantly bringing out new firmware and threatening legal action to shut down import sites (like lik-sang) and even force some developers to stop developing.
  5. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    This just makes me sad. Nintendo seems to be the lesser of the 3 evils IMO. The xbox 360 breaks about every month, and you have to pay $50 a year just to play online. (Gay). and the ps3 is just shit. (And both of them price their games at $60).

    But if Nintendo wants to stay in my good books, they need to start getting their act together. (I bought my Wii, and I expect some good online games that aren't shit).