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How much memory to leave for save space?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chicoelnino, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. chicoelnino

    chicoelnino Member

    I've a 4gb memory card with my cyclods and I've about 60 games on it which equalls 3.12gb of space used. How much memory should I leave to allowed space for saves on each game?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    a typical savegame is 512KB, so if you leave xMB, where X is the number of games you have on it (i.e 60), free, that would be easily enough.
  3. eeliottheking

    eeliottheking Member

    depends. if you are planning on using The Real Time Save Feature, then quite a bit seeing as each RTS file is nearly 5MB + the 512 KBs uncompressed save data needed for each game if we do the math here that comes to about a whopping 330MBs. If you dont plan on using RTS (which i recommend for most games seeing as RTS is unstable sometimes) then its only 30MBs.

    so depending on how many games you use the RTS feature with, between approx 330 MBs at the most and 30 at the very least.
  4. asibrycec

    asibrycec Member

    hmmmm oh yeah the cyclods has a realtime save I dunno how much size it takes but if eliot info is true wow 5mb +512 is a little bit huge @_@ anyway my flashcart doesn't have an rts save feature so I usually leave 10-20% of the cards total capacity to accomodate the save files
  5. eeliottheking

    eeliottheking Member

    if you have a cycloDS and are not using RTS (you enable RTS by holding select when you boot the rom) then dont worry about space. It wont be an issue on a 4GB microSD ;D
  6. chicoelnino

    chicoelnino Member

    ok. so to enable RTS, i just hold select when starting up a game/rom?