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How many games are on your flashcart?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by timmy1991, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I currently have 25 DS roms, 15 SNES roms, 18 Gameboy/color roms, 75 NES roms, and 10 Sega genesis roms. all of this leaves me with about 150MB of space left on my 2GB card
  2. Alex_t15

    Alex_t15 Member

    About 109, i think it's a ..............*goes to DS to check............:0 surprisingly big 8GB!!!!
  3. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    Yeah i filled my 8gig a while back. I was on a downloading spree. I probably played 1/4 of the games I had on it.
  4. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

  5. EmmaGebz

    EmmaGebz Well-Known Member

    I have about 25 DS games on my 2GB card
  6. Alex_t15

    Alex_t15 Member

    same here kon, but it's like sections(old and new) with crappy ones in between dowloaded becaues of their strange/interseting names
  7. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    i got both of the jump superstars and ultimate
  8. manolisgoku

    manolisgoku Well-Known Member

    when i bought it i had 74 but now only 40 (4gb)
  9. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    ds games arent nice now.......
  10. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Mario Kart
    Mario Bros
  11. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    Well, I have a CycloDS with an 8gig card in it and an M3 Perfect slot2 with a 2gig card in it. I have loads of commercial and homebrew games and emu's. Last time I actually counted (which was quite a long time ago), it was over 600 games total, but that number changes constantly as I find new stuff to add or remove stuff I didn't care for.

    I call my DSlite my "Pocket Arcade". No matter what mood I'm in, there's always a game already in my DS that's ready to go. And all contained within just 2 carts. I love it. ;D

    Geez....could you imagine having to lug around 600+ carts to have that same variety? :eek:
  12. Nathan_26

    Nathan_26 Well-Known Member

    well i have a 8gb card with 35 snes games, 80 DS games about 10 or so gameboy colour games, does anybody know if nes emulators work on R4i carts ?
  13. meminpanda

    meminpanda Well-Known Member

  14. azman2000

    azman2000 Member

    I have about 60, but I only play 3 of them :D
  15. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    almost finished them all
  16. quickcaster

    quickcaster Well-Known Member