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How it feels to go to college.........if your 14.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nisbahmumtaz, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. nisbahmumtaz

    nisbahmumtaz Well-Known Member

    Damn......I get my hair ruffled ALL the time instead of getting the usual fist-on-fist.

    Luckily,there are no bullying problems as it should have been :p

    But my roommates are just HELLA untidy.

    My bed is in the center while both my roommates occupy between me.

    So,every time I'm cleaning up my bed,I'm forced to clean theirs too since they're mesiness get to my bed.

    They bribe me with candy.That's right CANDY.Until one time they offered me Twizzlers.

    I asked,"WTF are Twizzlers?" You see,I'm Malaysian.

    They said,"its imported candy.Now Git to it!"

    Now THAT'S the same preposition all the time.

    Well,its not so bad because one of my roommates offered free Wi-Fi. And that is how am I doing this now.

    The other one is the smartest as in well....ya know....oh, and he's rich.Last holiday,he offered us to go with them.I had the most fun at the laketown resort.

    So,hey.Thats it.My part is cleaning.Yep.Sounds crappy to you? Well whats your story?
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I don't get what you mean.. Sorry I live in NZ and College here is basically Highschool in other countries. Does that apply to you? And how come you're staying with other people? Are you a border or something?
  3. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    wow, congrats on going to college at 14, but that's a bit young. im 16 and i start college in august, but ill be 17 then, so its not so bad. just be careful out there :D
  4. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    We start college when we're about 19 in the USA...
  5. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    Yea, I guess its 18 or 19 for me too. Plus med school for me (i wanna become a surgeon).
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You'll be a terrible surgeon :p Kidding, we start at university at about 17 or 18.
  7. kaiden

    kaiden Well-Known Member

    college at 14? O_O

    can you tell if your roomies are doing anything inappropriate around you?
  8. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    im 13 and ive jast started collage
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I think we all have different interpretations of college, for instance we don't even have it in Denmark, instead we call it University.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    In the UK, 'collage' has a double meaning. It could mean the same as it does in Canada, eg a less academically focused 'university' offering mainly vocational qualifications, or it could refer to the two year period between high school (our secondary school) and university, during which time you take A-Level exams. This period is also known as 'sixth form'
  11. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    im from jamaica and if i stayed there, i would be in the sixth form, which is technically, part of college, but not. as loonylion said its a transition period. but because im in the states, college at 17 in 3 months chyea!
  12. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Here in Ireland when you say college, you mean university
    and when you say university, you mean college...
    We don't make much of a distinction...

    There's the Universities who offer the Arts degrees and the Medical stuff and blah blah
    And there's the IT's(Institute of Technology) who go down the other route and offer more...er...technology based thingies...
  13. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    Well said. In America there are various schools you can go to for technological studies. Like for those kids that are addicted to video games, and think that designing them will be the exact same thing. However, its nothing like that, and then they relise that they have made a horrible mistake. Oh yea, this happened to a friend of mine.
  14. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what happened to me.....but I don't plan on giving up...
  15. drea2906

    drea2906 Active Member

    Im 20yrs old. Im in my last week of my clinical placement and I'm writing my final exam this friday. Im studyinf to become a Personal Support Worker. Which is basically a field in nursing. I take care of people who can no longer care for themselves. Seniors mostly so it gets messy when you gotta shower old wrinkly bodies and help feed them. But I am also certified to take care of mothers with new born children and children with dissabilities. Its a tiring job, but as they say, "someones gotta do it" And besides...Its their last years of life, so its nice to make them as pleasant as possible. College for me was like highschool...like stated above. Only difference is you only have 1 class to go to, 1 (15min) break and 1 (30min) lunch. From 8am to 1pm I hit the books and do a quick Timmies run for lunch (Tim Hortons) Classes in my class were small, see it wasn't a commmunity college with dorm rooms and huges piered classes. It was a normal classroom with desks that seat 4, like kindergarden. In my class we had about 10 students. I loved my college experience...you meet lots smart people and you gain many resources. Good luck to all those who are heading there shortly, I wish you the best. And make the best of it, as these are the people you will learn alot from.
  16. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Im 14, and In Canada, we dont go to college THAT early :p
  17. nisbahmumtaz

    nisbahmumtaz Well-Known Member

    Actually........I never knew it either until a few HOURS after I topic-ed this.
    So much for wide intelligence.

    Malaysians collegify at the age of 18~21.My parent were hiding the fact from me so I became a learning video camera which takes and doesn't let go.

    Okay........so I'm a fucking prodigy.
    What's it to ya!?
    I'll be studying Characterology,Frenology,Sex Ed and be able to watch porn early.Big whoop.
  18. DemonHeadx

    DemonHeadx Well-Known Member

    In USA it goes like this..

    At age 15, you can start taking collage classes to get a head start.

    If you want to go to Community Collage (Junior Collage) you would go normally for 2 years to get your General Education degree.

    Then you would Transfer to a University for your Associates Degree in what you want to be..

    OR - You go from high school to University for generally 4 years and get your General Ed, and your Associates.

    OR - You can go to a technical school and learn a certain kinda of work..

    For example in my case, I go to ITT-Tech and i am going for computer networking. I do get a General Ed degree because they make your take general classes. Then I get an Associates degree in computer networking systems.
  19. lepermessiah

    lepermessiah Active Member

    I'm planning to go to university for Honours Economic, but I might not get in >.< I can always go for the normal one I don't need their graduate Degree! Either that or Physics, I'm good at math and english but I'm bad at everything else more or less >.<

  20. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    well, I just got out of 2nd year and I'm 14.... you see in the Philippines, we get into college at 16