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how hard would it be to find a woman who......

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ChevyNovaSS, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. ChevyNovaSS

    ChevyNovaSS Well-Known Member

    likes 80s metal (Bands like W.A.S.P., Twisted Sister, Lizzy Borden)
    accepts long curly hair (past shoulder length)
    likes 60s-80s muscle cars
    is ok with video games
    Are things like this to much to ask for in a woman?? Im only 16 so i have plenty of time to find a girlfriend.
  2. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

    You might have to start playing for the other team... :p
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'd say look for some allowances...

    The metal, the games you could just hide a little (but just enough so she's barly aware-after ahwile THEN start pumping it up/the hair you can't help :p )

    If you have a mucle car then that's fine, if you just like them...well not all girls (see-alot) are into cars...well those cars anyway.

    In my case, I wanted a "straight edge" woman (no drinks, drugs, virgin, law abidding, etc) but everyone I liked was far from these qualities...

    Now all I want is somone who can just liten to what I say instead of interrupting me all the friggin time!
  4. Yurrian

    Yurrian New Member

    I don't think you should be so specific about what you want, just find someone you're attracted to and who you like.
    And find out what she likes along the way, a relationship is basically about accepting one another and accepting the little faults and such they have, I mean you might find someone who likes the exact same things you like, but these are small odds.
    That's what I think, hope it helps. XD
  5. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    how hard would it be to find people who......

    Are not shallow and need people to accept them, rather than find someone who loves them for who they are.
  6. luvelias

    luvelias Well-Known Member

    My best friend has a boyfriend who sounds like you. So I guess she'd be the girl you're looking for hah. Too bad she's 21 and taken.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Your standards are exceptionally high.
  8. ChevyNovaSS

    ChevyNovaSS Well-Known Member

    well my standard arent really that high, i just want to find a girl who at least accepects the stuff i listed
  9. luvelias

    luvelias Well-Known Member

    I suggest just doing what you love and eventually you'll meet someone with the same interest doing what she loves... which might happen to be what you love.

    That's how I met my love. and he's perfect for me. Video games, EDM, glowsticking, dancing and all.
  10. Canoso777

    Canoso777 Well-Known Member

    Yea dude, and a woman that likes soccer too lol
  11. Whelming

    Whelming New Member

    ChevyNovaSS- it sounds like you need more adventure, you needa meet more people. those are great interests to have, and for one, Im a girl and I love gaming, and so do lots of my girl friends, so don't give up hope! you'll meet someone who gets you someday.
  12. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    For the long curly hair thing: on men or on women? Women tend to have had bad experiences with men who have long curly hair and aren't found in historical fiction, you know.
  13. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    If you keep hoping a woman like that exist... well you better
    Man... Do you really are hoping a chick like that really exist?
  14. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    In answer to your question, yes it is very hard to find a woman like that. But none the less worth it if you do find one.
  15. Konatasuki

    Konatasuki Member

    I know of one (and its not me), she's told old though 40
  16. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Accepts it? That's a lot more realistic. No sarcasm either.

    I don't know, I always thought when I was younger that my boyfriend/husband would be a lot like me personality and likes-wise. What I got was a lot different than I expected. I didn't like video games at the time, I didn't like computers, technology all that stuff. It's what made him interesting to me and made me goo goo over him, if I ever dated someone who is similar to me like that, I'd probably wouldn't be with him.
  17. kme92

    kme92 Well-Known Member

    Not as hard as you think....
    Its actually harder.
  18. ChevyNovaSS

    ChevyNovaSS Well-Known Member

    yes i am the one with the hair, its not super curly like an afro but it is very curly, and no im looking for a super hot woman, ive learned that the hot women are not worth the trouble some times.
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I guessed you had the hair :)

    And I agree about the hot girl part-trouble with a capital S(lut) :p
  20. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I love the stereotyping.