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How hard is it to find a cute girl who's an xtreme gamer like me???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by alcaclarke, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    The current relationship I'm in now is tough, I receive trouble from my girl for playing videogames and I don't want any grief I just want to power up my system. How great would it be to have a girl who's a hardcore gamer that would want to be playing beside me on her DS or whatever!! Ahhh I can only dream....

    Is there any girls out there in Romulation world that can give me hope of a perfect world!!!
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Alcaclarke meet ChibiGamer. Though she's totally in love with me so you don't stand a chance.

  3. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    "Romulation, creating gaming couples since 2007..."
  4. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Hey romulation got me and my female friend together; I showed her the site, and she played the roms on the emulator. Then we started going out, and I bought her an R4DS. She uses it all the time. ;D
  5. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    i came down and found my sister playing "devil may cry 3 SE" on my pc. i almost jumped for joy, because now i could actually play on MY OWN ds - something i haven't been able to do because she's hogged it all (makes me wish sometimes i didn't buy my m3 simply...)
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    trust me mate u don't want a girlfriend who is an EXTREME gamer. possible problems with it: :p
    1. what happens if she's better than you :'(
    2. ur sex life would disolve ???
    3. u know when u say "no hunny i'm not comming out tonight i'm busy with work and stuff" or u say ur ill for a week just because the new final fantasy is out. well she'd do it to u. :-[

    now what u want is a super clingy girlfriend so that when ur realy deep in a game she'll suck ur cock because she's starved for attention. not happend to me but it did to a friend but i have had sex while playing ffX.

    and to the person with the sister LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL what are u her bitch, its ur ds take it back i know what it feels like my girlfriend steals my ds all the time but its mine i take it back when i want it. also why is she going on ur pc. i don't even let anything with out a dick near anything electrical. lol :p
  7. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    NO! This girl lives in my road and was playing on her DS lite in the nearby park. I think it was Harvest Moon DS. WE became friends, then I showed her this site.
  8. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    I'm actually the same Wintereise, I work out first then play videogames. Actually I've done both at the same time, it's actually a good way to kill alot of time and not get too good of a workout! LOL

    The reason I asked this question is I met this girl at the local EB games here in Canada who is super hot and she and I hit it off everytime I'm in there. She's a major gamer and something about that just turns me on!!! LOL
  9. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    Hello Chibigamer!

    Seph - I don't want to be second choice to a stud like you! I can't compete with a ninja master like yourself!
  10. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    You sure about that "Studly ninja master" part?

    As it stands, I'm in concurrence with Winterreise, there's much more enjoyable activities I'd rather being doing with a member of the opposite sex then playing video games.
  11. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Wait? How many Canadians are there on this forum? :eek: There's an old woman who told me she's going to retire in a year when she turns 65 in my local ebGames! Go there. I think she's single. ;)

    :D Lifting weights and working out? You say it like those are two different things! :p
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    playing games is a work out. thumbs of steel baby!!!! LOL
  13. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    My index finger is extremely powerful after having spent most of the time after age 6 clicking a mouse. :D
  14. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm a pro at thumb wrestling now. ;D
  15. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    Don't get me wrong, I'd rather be doing something else with the opposite sex as well but there is that time in between that needs to be filled! LOL

    Best two minutes of her life and that's including drinks! LMAO!!!
  16. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Well... whatever. :p I hate bench pressing.
  17. interbutts

    interbutts Active Member

    My gosh.

    If that wasn't sexual innuendo I don't know what is.
  18. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member



  19. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member



  20. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Get a room :p