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How do you...

Discussion in 'Non-Emulation Help' started by MaetriArch, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. MaetriArch

    MaetriArch Member

    MInd you i'm a newbie so i didn't know to much :-[

    1. (topic) get/lost karmas
    2. (topic) post screenshots
    3. (topic) post roms
    4. (topic) change title (like from servant to whatever ::) ;D)
    5. Are there any ways to become admins?
    thx 4 answering all

    Martin a.k.a MaetriArch
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    1) if you help someone an admin may decide to award you karma, break a rule and they may decide to take karma.

    2) take a screenshot from a rom either using the screenshot function in the emulator, or by pressing Alt + Prt Scr. if you do the Alt + Prt Scr method, you must then open MS Paint and choose 'paste' from the edit menu. Then save it as a jpg or a PNG (change the 'files of type' dropdown at the bottom of the save box). [the following applies to everyone] find the page for that rom on our site, click the add screenshot button, find the file using the browse button and submit.

    3) upload the rom to megaupload and PM me

    4) it is post based. When you reach a certain number of posts, it will change.

    5) No and never will be.