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How do you think the human race will become extinct?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by assasinseye1, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    Enlighten me please?How do you think the human race will become extinct?

    Their have been many theory's on how,as a new meteor hit,or nuclear war,aliens,monsters,disease,

    I personally think that we will destroy our selves, based on greed and stupidity?

    Any thoughts are welcome as long as their is not flaming! 8)
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    assuming they manage to avoid a nuclear war, then the earth will be consumed by the sun in a few million/billion years.
  3. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    Ah yes, good point but like you said nuclear war would be sure to happen,or unless we colonize a new planet.
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I dunno, but I know the last thing we'll hear:

    "Wonder what this does?"
  5. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    XD i can see that in so many ways.....{what is this big red button that says destroy everyone}'push' boooooom everyones dead...
  6. SushiKing

    SushiKing Well-Known Member

    The human race will be done for when the Decepticons come to earth!!!!!!!

    (Hint) -There coming as the form of the DSI XL- Once you get one they will transform and eat you ALIVE!!!!!
  7. Canoso777

    Canoso777 Well-Known Member

    Well, Nuclear War Would be an Opcion, 2012 would be another lol, We will get Burned by the sun, The R4 will get Angry of all that people that hates them And they will take alive and they will eat our brains and use them to make a new Frimware xDDD
    Oh, and when Water will be over.
  8. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Extinction is inevitable; it's just a matter of time. Will the time come tomorrow, 2012, or with the heat death of the universe? Nobody knows.

    Oh, and water is a self-renewing resource. What you drink has probably been pissed out by something sometime.
  9. SushiKing

    SushiKing Well-Known Member


    OMFG tehuber!?!?!? Did you used to go on the nds-roms Forums??? :'D
  10. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    Worldwide plague, worldwide natural disaster (10.0 earthquake or something), nuclear warfare.

    Yeah, pretty much it. I think we'll be living for a couple hundred more years.
  11. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Death of everyone will be the cause of extinction.

  12. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    OK,maybe I should have chosen my words more carefully I mean how do you think everyone will die?
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Spontaneous combustion.
  14. airhead929

    airhead929 Active Member

    i bet it will happen when someone divides by 0 and gets 1
  15. Hou-Quan1031

    Hou-Quan1031 Active Member

  16. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

  17. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    There won't be a "second humanity"

    Earth will be destroyed :)

    nuclear war ftw :D
  18. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    maybe super obama will save us all 8)

  19. Nerch

    Nerch Well-Known Member

    Nuclear war. I just hope that if it happens while I'm still alive, I'll die in an explosion and not by radiation poisoning... Must be an horrible death...
  20. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    I agree..if anything happens soon for me to die I want it quick not slow