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How do you spend your day?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Necri, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. Necri

    Necri Active Member

    My first topic hehe.

    Well, how do you spend your day? What is your daily routine?

    As for me...

    I wake up, go to college, come home and game.
  2. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    i would have to say that i am floating the same boat as you. hopefully once this semester is over i will have enough time to start working again (im taking four classes that involved nothing but writing papers and the other class i am taking is chemistry in a lecture) add studying, hangin out with my girlfriend, and rockin the ganja and thats about my routine every day cept when i go to see the family
  3. xrollin9ston3x67

    xrollin9ston3x67 New Member

    School of course, with the weekly guitar lesson and piano lesson. Pretty mundane until I found a girl ^_^
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    In order:

    1. Wake up with hubby
    2. Phun shower tym
    3. Kiss him gewd bye :<
    4. Nap/Do something that's not productive until babies wake up
    5. Babies wake up
    6. Play with babies for the whole day. + whatever important like baths and lunch and breakfast
    7. Hubby comes back, give him the biggest hug and kiss
    8. Help make supper
    9. Play with babies + hubby
    10. Put babies to sleep.
    11. Cuddlesssss
    12. Bed time.
    13. Sleep time.

    I have 4 kids nao,
    Boy: 2 y
    Girl: 2 y
    Twins girls: 1 y 3months

    They take up all my time, I don't mind it.

    In between I find time for computer/games/walking/guitar or friends. Sadly I have few friends now, my best friend past away last month.
  5. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    -Woke up boyfriend for work.
    -Went back to sleep.
    -Woke when my son woke up.
    -Gave him a bath for he had peed through his diaper.
    -Wash his bedding.
    -Fed him cereal.
    -Let him play in his crib, and went to take a shower.
    -Cleaned up my wall unit in my room, labeled DVD's and placed them in their respective covers.
    -Finally had something to eat.
    -Started getting ready to go out for haircuts.
    -Went to the barber shop with my son and boyfriend. (My son didn't cry this time! ;D :D)
    -Went clothes shopping.
    -Ate dinner.
    -And finally home, cleaned up a bit, and playing video games.
  6. Necri

    Necri Active Member

    Sorry to hear that Natewlie
  7. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    -I wake up
    -Eat breakfast
    -Get ready for work
    -Go to work(Work pretty much sucks :p)
    -Come home from work
    -Relax a little
    -Screw around with my computer
    -Watch some T.V.(If anything named the WWE or Heroes is on :))
    -Eat supper
    -Go to sleep

    That's just during the week.
  8. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    -Wake up.
    -Come home.

    -Wake up.
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    So that's what cool gaming moms do in a day... One of my checklists of life has been ticked off A_A
    Now to become the ultimate living being, maybe i'll try that another day...

    Well here is my list:

    Week days [Excluding Holidays]

    -Wake up
    -Eat and get ready for school
    -Come home
    -Get changed and shower
    -Walk and play with the dog
    -Do homework/coursework
    -Think or read a book
    -Drink tea
    -Read or play DS/PSP

    Weekends & Holidays

    -Wake up
    -TV/Internet Streaming
    -Shower from exercising
    -Walk and play with the dog
    ~Homework if I have it
    ~More playing with the dog
    -Really Random stuff
    -Read or DS/PSP
    -Drink Tea and watch TV

    But I also do random things and feed the dog, I often struggle to do everything I want and sometimes I have too much time...
    I fit my paper job in with exercising plus in the Summer I have plenty of time.
  10. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    My day is something like this:

    *wake up
    *roll in bed
    *get pulled out of bed by my domesicated tiger
    *feed tiger
    *do the hygiene stuff
    *turn on PC/PSX/PS2 (whatever i'm in the mood for)
    *feed tiger
    *play with tiger
    *go to sleep (i sometimes skip this step- i forget to take my sleeping pills)

    *I also go to work on Thursdays and Fridays<--- This is the only time i can get online, but i have to use a P MMX 166Mhz 64MB RAM 1GB HDD with Windowns 98. I am a masochist :p )

    Friday night after work, i go to my buddy's place and we play Capcom vs SNK 2: MotM or he goes to my place and we beat the crap out of ourselves in either SFA3, KOF99 or Samurai Showdown 3.

    That about sums up my dayly life :)
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You forgot get mauled by Tiger when you sleep for too long :p
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    tigers don't need feeding that often, my lionesses only get fed once a week.
  13. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Guess what Loonylion feeds his lionesses?

    Rule breakers. :p
  14. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    So harsh... :(
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    cat food is all they're any good for after Born2killx and/or Reider have finished with them
  16. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Weekdays: Wake up (possibly), bike to school (T_T), get bored at school (>.<), go home (^.^), put off doing homework (XD) and play games for the remainder of the day.

    Weekends: Wake up (possibly) and play games for the remainder of the day.

    Holidays: Go somewhere exceedingly stupid for that particular holiday/spend it with people I don't like/do something I don't enjoy (See: Mexico for Christmas with a family that isn't even my step-family).
  17. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    man i would say that going to mexico for christmas it wayyyy better than the dysfunction i gotta deal with when i go home for the holidays
  18. N3M351S

    N3M351S Well-Known Member

    i work 4 days in a row, then rest 3 days in a row. i work nights.
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You feed your Lion spam?
  20. Skambu

    Skambu Well-Known Member

    Wake up.
    Have a shower.
    Get dressed.
    Have breakfast.
    Go on computer to check e-mails.
    Play games.
    Have lunch.
    Go on Youtube/Romulation to watch videos and download games.
    Play more games.
    Have dinner.
    Go to bed.

    Yep. I'm pretty excciting!