not sure if this goes here but how do you find out? i had a problem with my r4 before due to failing to read anything so i need to know what i downloaded. it ses downloaded 25 times but what are they? is it possible to find out? most files i dont need get deleted but some of the games i want to play again. but i need to know what i already downloaded.
You can do a search on your hard drive under the games name or check your "downloaded" folders. for example I use vista so when I download a file from here I hit start and go to "user name" and click on it and look in "downloads" but if I download from a torrent I have to look under "documents" and the downloads folder there....too lazy to change it. But if you look at box that appears when you download a file from here it should be telling you where its going. [edit] ;D also what Seph just stated if that was what you are asking.
Huh. I read it as he deletes the stuff he didn't need..maybe I didn't understand it fully. :-\ Guess I need to slow down on my speed reading.
ill just check whats out right now that looks interesting. i still have a good memory of what i downloaded. its just that some of the stuff i delete i said i wouldnt play them but due to my 360 have a 3/4 red ring im going to stock up on games to play. hopefully my r4 wont give in again like it did. some of those games looked good but to an extent disapointed me so thats why i deleted them. i said i wont play them but now i want to lol