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how do i shrink PS2 Isos?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Duncan Idaho, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    I am wanting to burn two DL games, the SP edition of MGS2 substance/subsistance and Xenosaga I game, both are DL games and i cant change the book type of my Burner so i have no other choice than to try to shrink this (or buy the pirated game, however Venezuelan demographic is mostly after blood and gore, so resident evil, god of war, anything that is FPS and is M rated like COD, etc. is what i find on the stores, i am not particulary intrested in GoW) i read on afterdawn a method, but the tutorial was dated from the 2007 or maybe earlier, so any ideas?

    PD : i cant use yet the app for loading PS2 games directly from the PC since i would need to move the tower of the PC to where my TV is (and since it aint a gaming PC is just a waste of space, not to mention that unless there is a 10m ethernet cable launching the cable from the PC is a no-go due that it would make everybody trip thanks to my desktop being next to my door and the TV furniture is on the same area but in diagonal direction from the door) so i would need to throw said wire around the head of my bed then it would have to go behind the TV furniture to finally connect to the PS2).

    to shorten the above picture a squate, upper rigth corner= doors, left of the door TV furniture below the upper rigth cornet that is where my desktop is.
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I don't know what any of this is...sounds like a bunch of excuses and ramblings (or how any of it is in the least bit relevant to PS2 ISO shrinking).

    But, the only way to "shrink" PS2 ISOs is to actually cut legit content from them. Either download one that is already "shrunken" or buy a better DL DVD burner that can actually burn DL discs (sounds like yours doesn't). Doing it yourself (having not played the game) will just end up in you getting to Point A, freezing at Point B, and you'll be back here on this forum asking why it froze.
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    and we go back to the excuses pointing to me, all i wanted is to leave clear that there are a number of circumstances that prevent me from using that loader (and i dont want my family tripping and bashing their heads to the floor).

    second what kind of legit content gets removed?

    third my burner can do DL DVD's ( i have burned wii DL's games, such as xenoblade and metroid other m) the issue however is that i cant exactly figure out how to use the book type feature since etiehr it gives me error on dvd decrypter or it fails, plus the intstructions that came with the toxic DL patcher left that key part out.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    if its anything like PC rips, things like cutscenes and voice overs are removed (and replaced with blank files that take up less space)
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    In general, legit content needs to be cut from the game in order for it to fit on the disc. It's not like they just hit a shrink button and it decreases the size magically (other than padded data, even with that removed though, it's still larger than a single layer disc). I know some releases have lower-resolution textures reworked into the game, cut audio music tracks, or complete removal of certain sections of the game (like SSBB). Yeah, leave that kind of stuff to the professionals. It's more hassle than it's worth.

    And you shouldn't be using dvd decrypter. Imgburn should work with the booktype issue. Why you need to use such obsolete software, I'll never know. If anything, you shouldn't need to change the booktype and just burn it straight. I know for Wii games, the L0 sector needed to be changed to a specific location, but other than that, it ran perfectly. I don't remember changing anything with the booktype...The PS2 version shouldn't be that much different.

    I know booktypes do matter when you're using +R RW media, but that doesn't apply with +R DL because it's not rewritable.
  6. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    And i am more confused now, you see, toxic team DL patch comes with a readme, said readme tells me that i need to make the booktype to be DVD-R otherwise i will get a RSOD (which i got after burning normally my only DVD+r-DL.

    Wanting to avoid this (each DL DVD costs 35 bucks a pop when a normal DVD-R costs 6 bucks, i could try to use lower media quality tho that i found to be around 10 bucks, but the 35 bucks one is verbatrim so i will try to shell some extra cash to get at least four DL) is why i asked about shrinking so that option is thrown out of the window (i figured it was similar to the GC shirnking process for making a multi-iso in that any leftover data was removed in favor of well a smaller gc iso.

    the toxic patch team also mentions that the last recorded section should be showing as DVD-R otherwise the PS2 will give a RSOD (aside well patching the dual layer image with their patch, i read that tidbit on emuparadise when i was dl'ing the image).

    As for DVD decrypter doing a google search posted an intresting number of people trusing dvd decrypter (google gave about 20 responses per forum recomending dvd decryoter with no mention of img burn, now i hope you see where i am going, pretty much every tut i found is of 2007 or later.
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    2007. There's your answer. There's really no reason to use obsolete software unless you're actually using a specific function from that program. For example, you should use Padus Discjuggler specifically for Dreamcast games. Otherwise, just use any burning program, but in this case, ImgBurn is just fine and will most likely be compatible like I mentioned with the book type. I find it less likely that you'll be able to change the booktype with DVD decrypter, and since you can't get it to change using that program, it's probably best to try a different program to see if you get the same result. If you do, then it's the burner at fault. (Don't actually burn it though, just see if the booktype can be changed).

    And as far as having to buy multiple DLs, I've also had to do that for a few DL games. Still cost me less than the actual game to pull it off, but you just need to get it right by the third or so attempt.

    Since I don't have the tutorial you're talking about, (and honestly, don't really care to trudge through it for you) all I can really say is follow the tutorial to the letter (even with outdated software) to replicate their results. And since everything is from 2007, I'd suggest using every program they used from 2007.
  8. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    The tutorial is pretty vauge, it says just select booktype and switch it to DVD-R and then burn it after you have patched it with toxic team Dual layer patcher (the iso) and there it ends.

    I guess i will try with imgburn

    well i couldnt switch the book type since i have no ideawho manufactured the internal burner, however my samsung TSSE corp model SE-SO84 was able to switch the booktype i bougth today 5 verbatrim DVD's (poor idiot i was i should¡'ve bougth 10, xenosaga is starting to look like 5 DL DVD's and one or more are going to be wasted on MGS 2)

    And i know loony said more than once to not use external writers but i had to acquire this one in case that my desktop internal reader/writer dies like my Laptop one.
    Post Merge: [time]1359609702[/time]
    I WORKS insane it works, despite my internal burner unable to switch booktype doing so with my external one and waiting four hours (2 for burning and 2 for the check) it worked, MGS2: Substance ran on my PS2
  9. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Xenosaga finally got burned properly i acquired a switch so i can *try* to use openloader or whatever is the name for the app that woud allow me to load from the PC the games on the PS2, i have one big question before i start scavenging the internet for tutorials do i need to create a special partition inside my PC for the app to load, and finally how do i set it up so it auto boots from the chip? i am using infinity matrix v 1.99 so i was curious if i could set the stuff up or do i need to use ulaunch elf everytime i intend too boot the homebrew?
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I have no idea for anything outside of FreeMcBoot since that's all I've ever had to use.

    Why would you wait 2 hours for a disc check when you could have just slapped it in the PS2 to see if it burned correctly? It's not like the check retroactively corrects the mistakes in the burning process...If it was burned wrong on the initial run, it would have stayed wrong on the disc check.

    Good to know that it worked.
  11. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    because i left the verify option checked and i dint took notice until it was too late so i left it running.

    What is gonna cost me is getting a new EHDD since i am running out of space on the PC -_-