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How do i modd a PS2?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Duncan Idaho, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    My uncle is trying to get me a PS2 and it seems so far it comes unmodded, and unchipped, so what are the methods? google has only provided me with a bunch of non sensical tutorials that rant with a bunch of technical terms that range from "you need to cpk the .elf file and rip the .elf file and re burn it on a DVD", etc. to me is gibberish in a sense, i read of free mcboot but it seems i will need special stuff to carry that mod.

    is there any way to mod the PS2 via USB? say like one mods the wii via Sd card or in case one lacks of that via crashing the game and then forcing kernel access (IE twiligth exploit, TOS:DOW ,smash stack, etc.)
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you don't need special stuff for freemcboot, just an extra ps2 memory card and a means of installing freemcboot on it (I have a memory card with a USB port on it, but theres other methods) then patch the isos before burning them.
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    What are these other methods?
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    If you did some more reading on FreeMcBoot, one of the methods requires crashing a specific game.

    007 Agent Under Fire.

    You will need to create an ISO on your computer of this game.
    You will need to obtain specific files (google FreeMcBoot and troll their website for all necessary files and guides) and essentially migrate them into this ISO.
    You will also need specific files on a USB stick.
    Then burn the ISO onto a disc with the modded files.

    For a PS2 slim, you will need to block all 3 optical sensors that tell the system that the tray is open. This tutorial can be found just about anywhere.

    You will then need to play the game with the original disc and get to at least the second level in the game. Then before you start the second level, you need to switch the discs so that the modded burned copy plays.

    At this point, with the USB stick inserted, and the necessary files on the USB, it should crash so that you can install FreeMcBoot.

    That's basically the jist of it. Like I said, there's a very clear guide on this on their website.
  5. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    I did, my uncle went trough the island of margarita and dint found the game, i was searching for alternate methods but all were, well filled of techno babble with abbreviations.

    According to the seller the PS2 comes with a chip, a physical one so would this method work in tandem with the pirated version with the modded file?, i also told my uncle to search the PS3 PS2 memory card adaptor, i read it can be connected to the USB ports of a PC, if not i can try to search some places i know that sell or sold PS2 accesories for the PS2 memory card that can connect to the PC.
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    So... i am guessing no one knows the answer to my doubt
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You can transfer saves from memory cards without hardware. FreeMcBoot does that.

    The answer to the majority of your questions is FreeMcBoot.

    They even have a noobie package which I recommend downloading.
    From there, you can go down the installation tab and find a suitable exploit.
    There's even a tutorial on how to properly burn the PS2 backup of your choice. 007 AUF is probably the most common, but there are other games that can be exploited.

    Read read read read read.
    I can only guide you to the solution, I can't do it for you.
  7. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    i get that i will need a usb stick and a spare memory card, along the files, that much is clear to me, the PS2 comes with one of those chips that allow it to read PS2 burned games, my question is, will it work with any of the methods? OR even if i have a way of using copy/backup games that will still be an issue?.

    If i am still failing to convey my message i leave a spanish version so any one can use google translate:

    el vendedor le comento a mi tío que la consola viene con un chip le permite leer juegos pirateados, mi duda es que si quiero instalar homebrew en la consola puedo usar el método de CD o el del juego o no me queda de otra que buscar un juego original
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    so i found my answer i think:

    http://ar.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100404160620AAlKT6b , first part of the answer says yes i can use games, the tutorial the person submits is this one http://www.iplayplaystation.com/ps2-saves-homebrew-tutorial/
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    If your PS2 is chipped, then why are we even having this conversation?
    The only real reason you'd want to FreeMcBoot it would be to transfer saves at this point.
    For non-chipped consoles though, FreeMcBoot is the easiest and simplest way to play burned games.
  9. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Why because i want to mount on it emulators, because i wanted to emulate the SNES or similar on the PS2 aside just playing games.

    an other reason is because i am desire to understand how to add homebrew onto a PS2, i am a bit of a scholar in the sense that i am always thinking of learning new things.

    and third iw as considering buying an EHDD to use for the PS2, however i have been reading that is not worth it
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Well then you're shit outta luck because now you're really gonna have to read, read, and read some more if you want to do any of that stuff you just mentioned.
  11. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    well one of the tutorials i linked before the i playstation website sems to point to me that i can indeed use the CD method to put homebrew on the PS2 since the PS2 is chipped, it relies on burning uLaunchElf and then booting via USB Freemcboot, can you confirm or deny if said method will work?
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    And the entire discussion goes full circle and back to FreeMcBoot.

  13. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot, now to seek more JRPG's to add to my playlist
  14. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    So i got the PS2 today and it is not booting FFXII international version... A) so either i dint burned it right or B) or my uncle got scammed and the console dint came with a chip, do i need to use clone CD, nero or alcohol to burn them?
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    to be specific, i get "please insert DVD or CD onto the PS2" red screen thing, i have no original games, sellers do not import the multi tap crap or PS3-PS2 memory adapter, i am fucked if my uncle got scammed and got sold a VIRGIN PS2, despite he was told it wasnt.

    also the number thingy for free mcboot is 2A
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    The obvious answer is FreeMcBoot for the last time.
  16. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    yeah, yeah , except i am completley fucked, it's easier to find an UFO than to find the PS3-PS2 adapter that can connect to the PC and it's easier to find the Yeti than to find an original game on Venezuela, my only option is sending the PS2 for chipping since i have no other way of getting FMB on the console.

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    intresting i am finding a controller adapter, and a multi memory card adapter, i wonder if i can connect the multi tap of memory card to the controller thing then to a PC

    can i use this http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ve/MLV-404631646-multitap-playstation-2-adaptador-controles-memory-card-_JM along with this http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ve/MLV-405766280-adaptador-convertidor-control-ps2-a-usb-playstation-2-pc-_JM to connect the memory card to the PC?
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Or sending a memory card to someone who has the ability to install freemcboot on it.
  18. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    no one i know has that posibility, still would that set up in theory work?
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Yes, assuming that they do a full install so it works on any console (as well as type). You can also buy these pre-formatted.
  20. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Mercadolibre doesnt has pre formated cards which is a pain, since i live in the capital i could acess over 30 stores that sell 64 mb's cards for reasonable prices, but no dice on that, and the stores i linked are way too far from where i live, like in a different state.

    NEws on the modchip thing, the guy who chipped my wii originally is sick and on leave, he returns on monday and i should get the PS2 chipped in theory either the wensday or the thursday.

    And do i need the HD loader DVD to boot an external hard drive?