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how do i get wario master of disguise to work

Discussion in 'Non-Emulation Help' started by [email protected], Jun 2, 2007.


does it work?

  1. does wario work

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  2. wario

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  1. chileno306@hotmail.com

    [email protected] New Member

    when i put this game through the supercard program and install in the ds.. it doen't work. can anyone help?
  2. KMC

    KMC Well-Known Member

    Check the compatibility list. To see if it works. Also which 'program' did you put it through?
  3. chileno306@hotmail.com

    [email protected] New Member

    ok were is that list. i used the supercard program to convert it for my supercard micro sd
  4. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    maby this list can help you?
  5. Heyaxe

    Heyaxe Member

    You have to uncheck the reset patch under the options in the Supercard program in order to get it working.