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how do I defeat Rayquaza?

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by mrsmes, Oct 14, 2009.

  1. mrsmes

    mrsmes Guest

    Honestly how.
  2. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    whats so hard about rayquaza?
    just use strong pokemon with high stats and abilities
  3. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    you could try explaining what you mean better

    in smashbros brawl just jump and A down on him or was it up A? anyway use that tactic dodge his attacks and reflect his attacks with Down B

    Pokemon NDS use and ICE type attacks to KO it quickly or to catch it just throw a masterball or weaken it with moves like rock dragon type attacks and then put it to sleep or thunderwave it
  4. undergod

    undergod Member

    1. use masterball
    2. if you have used your masterball get ice and electric pokemon and a jugglypuff
    3. get jiggly to learn sing(reletively easily)
    4. go up to him and sent him to sleep(fairly difficult)
    5. get his health as low as possable but dont kill him
    6. throw ultra balls till u got him

    pointers: remember to save in front of him just in case u kill him then u can start the fight over again

    he aint really tht good in my opinion he spoils the game
  5. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Which game are you exactly talking about? There's R/S/E and HG/SS.
  6. mrsmes

    mrsmes Guest

    actually i am talking about catching rayquaza on pokemon emerald.
  7. chukapi

    chukapi Guest

    Hit him first with your strongest pokemon to make rayquaza's hp decrease to the lowest possible.then you can use a pokemon that can learn Sleep powder,Hypnosis or Sing to make rayquaza fall asleep then switch to any of your team that can tank the damage if it woke up.. while asleep use ultraball to catch it(bring at least 50 of them).. or you can use masterball if you're getting frustrated.
  8. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Each legendary is assigned a numerical catch rate, as are all wild Pokémon. Essentially, the higher the Catch Rate, the higher the chance to capture. The Catch Rate is plugged into a formula, which determines whether the Pokémon will be captured or not. While the actual in-game formula is quite complex, Community Member X-Act has made a formula that produces nearly exact results. Note to always round down should you get a decimal.
    (( 1 + ( MaxHP * 3 - CurrentHP * 2 ) * CatchRate * BallRate * Status# ) / ( MaxHP * 3 )) / 256

    Top Poké Ball Rates :
    Master Ball : 255
    Dusk Ball (In darkness) : 4
    Timer Ball (30+ Turns) : 4
    Net Ball (Against a Bug or Water type) : 3
    Repeat Ball (Against previously caught Pokémon) : 3
    Ultra Ball : 2
    Great Ball : 1.5

    A Master Ball catches any wild Pokémon without fail, though it may only be obtained once through Cyrus, or winning the lottery in Jubilife City. Timer Balls begin at 1 and increase every 10 turns, with a cap of 4. Quick Balls begin at 4, and decrease every 5 turns with a low of 1. Neither of these Balls exceed the rate of the Dusk Ball, and are somewhat more circumstantial. All other balls have a catch rate of 1 against the legendaries. It is preferred to use either Dusk or Ultra Balls, keeping some Timer Balls in reserve.

    Status#s :
    Freeze : 10
    Sleep : 10
    Paralysis : 5
    Burn : 5
    Poison : 5
    None : 1

    As you can see, Sleep is your best bet, due to the lack of reliable Freeze moves. Paralysis is a much lower #, so Sleep moves are preferred. You should never Poison, or Burn the legend; this sets a time limit on the longevity of your legend's lifespan.

    The catch rates of the legendaries are 3, except for Manaphy, who is obtained in an Egg, Dialga and Palkia, who are 30, and Shaymin, which is 45.

    Let's say we try and catch a Level 5 Max HP Magikarp with a Dusk Ball. Magikarp’s Catch Rate is 255.
    ((1 + ((18*3 - 18*2) * 255 * 4 * 1)) / (18*3)) / 256
    = ((1 + (18 * 255 * 4 * 1)) / 54) / 256
    = ((1 + 18360) / 54) / 256
    = (18361 / 54) / 256
    = 340 / 256
    = 1.328125

    Any decimal numbers were not shown, and simply rounded down.

    So, if the end result is over 1, you have a 100% chance to capture the Pokémon. If you wish to forgo a formula, it is recommended you use Metalkid's Catch Rate Calculator, which will output the chance of capture as a percent. However, due to varying IVs, it is difficult to know the Max HP of the legendaries, let alone determine their Current HP. The formula and calculator are here for reference, and a little bit of insight on why certain Balls or Status effects are used.

    Catching pokemon using pure math and logic...
  9. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Only problem is, there are no dusk balls, timer balls, repeat balls, etc. IN POKEMON EMERALD:p.

    And don't tell me, you got this from serebii or pokemonmarriland...

    Impressive though.
  10. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    HOLY COW! Enuma Elish! that made my head hurt XD I just simply go with the look of the situation and with my gut as it's always faster to decide on the situation of the battle and ya that was impressive a little to impressive for someone like me that would probably quit doing the figures and just end up throwing the Dang pokeball

    person1:example Wait! dont throw the pokeball!
    person2 why not?
    person1: lets figure out the Catch ratio and the chances of it being cought
    person2: uhh okay?
    person1: lets see... lets divide the catch rate and round down to the nearest 10 by multiplying and..
    Person2: to late already cought him
  11. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Never been to any of the site you mention...!!!

    its been so long i have forgot what ball they have...

    Anyway all you have to know is...

    Sleep is always better...

    because its hard to get freeze on pokemon..

    and ultraball is your best bet..

    If you do not have repeatball, duskball, timerball..

    And one more thing if you know how to control PID...

    You can get shiny rayquaza easy...

    Like me...

    I have a black one...!!
    Post Merge: [time]1255547462[/time]

    After checking around..


    Answer: Head to the Rustboro side of Rusturf Tunnel and talk to the Devon
    Researcher. He will give you a Repeat Ball, as well as tell you that
    they will now be selling them (as well as Timer Balls) in Rustboro
    City's PokeMart.
  12. Ice pokemon are great and use masterbals
  13. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I love serebii and smogon, the only two pokemon sites I visit. ;D
  14. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member


    I always work out the best way to catch legend...

    Alway only buy 20 of any ball...
  15. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Why do they have a black rayquaza!

    Racist bastards...

    Just kidding.

    Anyways, thanks for telling me how to get Timer and Repeat Balls.
  16. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Its good having a black one...

    I mean in soul silver...!!!

    You bloody have a black Rayquaza following you..!!!
  17. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Oh... wow I haven't played Pokemon for a month, already forgetting a lot of stuff.
  18. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    What difference would that make? I can read some Japanese, and I'm American...
  19. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Shiny Pokemons are insanily rare pokemons to catch. Unless you "control" the game, you wont gonna meet one shiny pokemon soon. Btw I played all pokemons games so far and I NEVER meet a shiny pokemon under normal conditions.

    They have some diference on stats. I dont remenber what were though.

    Btw whats the calc on shiny pokemons please :D ?

    BTW, to catch pokemons, false swipe + sleep = easy mode
  20. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    They have no stats, and there are no difference in stats on shiny pokemon taht I've seen. I have found exactly 5 of them, under normal circumstamces and 3 of them escaped me. The ones I caught were a Shellos and Floatzel, and I missed out on a Graveler, Onyx, and another pokemon I can't remember... My DS died every time... I also have some traded shinies, like ?Unown, and a Tentacruel.