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How do i combine/fus part1-3 files?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by RockPaperGun, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. RockPaperGun

    RockPaperGun New Member

    Hi i'm new here and I've just downloaded James bond nightfire part 1 - 3 for ps2 since its 500 mb each or so and idk what to do with it now. i've already tried to put them together in the win rar but looks like it did nothing so can anybody help me? :-\
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    This program does it quickly and exists for many different platforms: http://www.hjsplit.org/
  3. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Just open the .rar file. Then extract.
    It will automatically extract the .r1, .r2 etc. file if they are in the same directory.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Only works if its a split rar file. If its been split by a third party program, in this case hjsplit, winrar cant reassemble it.
  5. RockPaperGun

    RockPaperGun New Member

    tyvm the Hj Split worked perfectly!