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How do ancient greek ended?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by calvin_0, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i been wondering how it end and what the relation of roman with ancient greek (they have the same religion, only with differ name like how Christianity and Islam)

    also do ancient greek practise incest as well. i mean thier god technicall practise incest themself (Hera was Zeus elder sister and he marry her anyway, not to mention Cronos and Gaia relation which give birth to the olympian)
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Sorry to put it bluntly but...

    Have you tried wikipedia with a search of "ancient greece" ?

    I found out about the name's of some resident evil creatures (aka "hypnos" is kinda the greek god of sleep) thru random searches.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i have, but it was too boring =P... you know history was never as intresting as mythology as reading material.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Unless an interest is taken, it's like anything...

    Nothing is interesting, it's those who make it interesting that learn something.

    I was reading about the lancer evolution, and how far down the track it's been since created...never knew the new evo 10 is slower than the 9...

    I'll go now and let some serious answers come by :)
  5. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    Romans and Greeks are far from the same, ancient Rome mythology takes some basis off of greek mythology but they had there own beliefs and then obviously they have something in common because Greece came under roman rule when the empire grew which is when the whole ancient Greece thing ended.
    roman and Greek mythology died out to Christianity as the leaders adopted it and raped it of all meaning it had as it was a religion that could control people allot more effectively.

    there are many cases of incest in both cultures take for example the Oedipus complex that freud loved going on about was taken from a Greek tail of incest and it is in many documents that people had it off with anyone and everyone family or not.

    and it all ended (roman rule) basically because it was an unstable society

    also as a side note Christianity and Islam is not the same thing with a different name and a very long way from it, they have similarities but are far from being the same.
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    so basically, rome was under ancient greek, and ancient greek end when roman take over.

    also i dont know much on roman mythology other then they have thier version of the olympian (basically still the same with differ name, like Ares was Mars, Zeus was Jupiter, Aphrodite was Venus.. ect) basically like Christianity and Islam (same key member, moses, jesus, marry, but name differly)
  7. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    HA HA!Cronos didn't mate with Gaia.In the beginning there was only Chaos.Then, from primordial uncertainty of Chaos, Gaia was born.She basically undergone an asexual reproduction to give birth to Uranus.The had an incest.From it, the Titans were born.One of them is Cronos.Cronos in turn had an incest with Rhea who then gave birth to the Olympus prime gods namely Hades,Poseidon,and of course Zeus.

    So how do the Ancient Greek ended?Historically,the Roman arose to surpass them.Interestingly,the Roman adopt their Polytheistic view of the cosmos.When Christianity reigned,monotheism somehow became compulsory for the Roman.Hence,the belief in the greek mythology was abandoned.Another explanation is that Chistianity,Islam or other monotheistic religion provide far more satisfying answer to the people at the time regarding the nature of creation and the concept of eternal life and death was attractive considering the society in the classical period.Having said that,the big modern day organised religions also face the same circumstance that the Greek Mythology faced about 2000 years ago.
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well from what i read, Cronos mate with Gaia after Cronos cut off Uranus genitals, which he later throw into the sea and Aphrodite was born, i might be wrong in Gaia giving birth to the olympian (for some reason i always think that and forget about Rhea >.<), but Cronos and Gaia did do it.
  9. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    please do your research again.If not,why not go play some god of war?You know, i'm a big fan of mythology and history of organised religion.(so i can debunk their fanatics)
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    actually God of War version wasnt that far from the real thing.


    i see, i was wrong, i though Erinyes, Gigantes and the Nymphs was the result of Cronos mate with Gaia, it turn out to be seman and blood from Uranus genitals.
  11. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    God of war kept the myth unthouched for the history of Rhea and Cronos part but they alter the Zeus part.They introduced KRATOS!!!Maybe the story of God of WAR 3 will explain why there is no more Greek mythology...
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    actually in the real thing there is a Kratos, IIRC the Titian Kratos, Nike, Bia and Zelus, all work under Zeus... pretty much like the Kratos in GoW.... unlike the Kratos in GoW, they are loyal to Zeus.
  13. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Pretty cool then.