Maybe where you live the situation is different, but in Australia, some of the Wii release titles are still around the $70.00 mark. Granted, some of these titles were released 6 or so months after launch, but games like Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. have only knocked down the price by about $30. Both the 360 and PS3 have games that reviewed and sold well available for $30 brand new. I can't remember what the lines are called (platinum?) but I think it is a shame the Wii doesn't have a similar line. Is it because these are the only games that sell on the Wii? Is it different in your part of the world?
from an economic point of view, these games are selling very well still, so why would they lessen the price and get less money?
timmy has a point. Nintendo-made games tend to have "long legs"; that is, they continue to sell months, even years after release.
I agree that they have long-legs and are good sellers, but I also believe that games like Uncharted and Gears of War inhabit a similar terrain. I am probably wrong, but I don't believe Nintendo has ever had an equivalent to Platinum Games. To me, this is plain greedy and also clearly demonstrates the Wiis' lack of great games. If gamers had a larger range of quality/great games to choose from then Nintendo would probably be forced to adopt a similar business model with regards to selling its games as the model used by Sony/Microsoft. Also I really just wanted an excuse to write that topic and add the line "So- what does that tell you/what are they trying to say" but I thought it might be to blatant. You all know what/who I'm talking about!
Nintendo doesn't do the Player's Choice thing, if they do, it's years and years after the game comes out (see Wind Waker). They either do that or discontinue making a game all together (Metroid 3 Corruption).
One day...when wii sales drop. I'm surprised that metroid prime 3 ain't going down yet, i still see new copies on shelves... and the eb guys reckon they have been there since launch day