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How about Sega Dreamcast ISOs?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by GRIMEYtheFATMAN, Oct 19, 2008.


    GRIMEYtheFATMAN Well-Known Member

    I think it's old enough to not fall under category of a new console request(as I recall, when the PS2 came out, the Dreamcast was lumped in with PS1 and N64 as "last-gen"(reflected in the price for game and system rentals at Blockbuster). Heck, a lot of the Dreamcast library was PS1 ports...
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    So far we're still adding PSX, but perhaps afterwards.
  3. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    This would be great. I'm for it too.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    That was stupid, the dreamcast was technically equivalent to the PS2.

    GRIMEYtheFATMAN Well-Known Member

    Hell yeah it was(shoot, one look at DOA2 would make you think it was superior). And I always thought it's controller was superior for at least one game genre: Driving/Racing games(analog triggers>pressure sensitive buttons). That's pretty much why I went with the Xbox for my next console... well... that, the superior power/graphics capabilities, standard hard drive, and Halo(gosh, the PS3 sure reminds me of the original Xbox, with it's superior power/graphics capabilities, standard hard drive and analog triggers...[the left stick is still in the wrong place, though...]).

    Anyway, no rush with Dreamcast support since y'all are still busy with PSX; plus, by the time y'all get around to it, maybe the Dreamcast emulators will be in better shape...
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    remembering back to when dad agreed to get me a next gen console, he was going to get me a dreamcast because it was the most powerful. However, by that point it was apparent that the dreamcast was not going so survive so he got me a PS2 instead.

    They are no longer under active development to my knowledge

    GRIMEYtheFATMAN Well-Known Member

    Mutha*****! *pounds fist on desk* *unintelligible muttering*
  8. sesa

    sesa Well-Known Member

    dude that analog stick always left a huge calis on my thumb...which is why I love my ps2 more(I only had the dreamcast because my cousin gave it to me as a present because he found it for $30).

    GRIMEYtheFATMAN Well-Known Member

    Too bad the damn PS2 doesn't have analog triggers like the Dreamcast(at least they finally came around with the PS3...), as I feel it would've greatly increased Gran Turismo 3+4's playability, as well as other racers(*cough*Need for Speed!*cough*).

    And since the PS3 has 'em, AND they're STILL supporting the PS2, I'm stymied by the fact that they haven't released new PS2 controllers with analog triggers; with all buttons on the DualShock2 being pressure sensitive, backwards compatibility with previously released titles should not be an issue.

    Who do I contact to tell Sony to get to work on a DualShock2.5?

    Oh, and HOORAY for the new Dreamcast ISOs; I just hope I can get some advice/help on getting them to play on my chosen emulator(Chankast)...
  10. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    I hear NullDC is a better emulator, but I can't seem to get either of them running.

    GRIMEYtheFATMAN Well-Known Member

    Switching the cd-rom plugin has solved my problem; I was playing some Crazy Taxi 2 earlier.
    It looked about as good as I remember it, with the sole graphical issue being that traffic cars are transparent(though trucks, buses and semis are still opaque...).
    The only other issue I have is slowdown, which worsens at higher resolutions, so I'll just attribute it to my hardware not quite being quite up to the task, as I've not encountered any graphical options to speak of.

    At least the slowdown actually helps in Crazy Taxi...