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Hotel Dusk

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by loopydsfan, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. loopydsfan

    loopydsfan Well-Known Member

    I hope someone out there can unravel the mystery that is Jeff Angels room in chapter 5. I have followed various walkthroughs but I keep getting stuck in his room. I get the spare key to room 215 and the Jeff Damon ID then try to go out when Jeff Angel comes in . I ask all the questions and show all evidence as per the walkthroughs and its at this point it should let me out to go get the newspaper in the lobby but i still cant get out of the room. I keep getting the message "I need to show more evidence. I cant leave yet" or words to that effect. I saved the game before I went into his room and have tried different things but to no avail. Help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Are you sure about this? Because they would actually have Kyle saying something about needing to find more evidence or something like that to go out and get the newspaper. Tell me exactly what did you show him. The wad of cash, the gun? Melissa as eyewitness, his ID.
  3. just show him all evidence connected to him, like the gun, ID master key to room 215 (that's it i think) and he should eventually chuck you out of the room.
  4. loopydsfan

    loopydsfan Well-Known Member

    Yes I showed him the cash, the gun, the ID and the duplicate room 215 key and it keeps coming up with " I need to show this kid Jeff something that will get him talking.....I cant leave yet" Its so frustrating! Im beginning to wonder if its a glitch in the game.
  5. loopydsfan

    loopydsfan Well-Known Member

    Hurray!!!! I tried again by showing him the evidence and asking him three times about is true name and he threw me out!!!! Thanks for you help. :) :D ;D
  6. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Great to hear...and uh... I guess dont double post :)
  7. loopydsfan

    loopydsfan Well-Known Member

    Sorry for that. Just got carried away. Anyway I completed the game Lol !!! ;)
  8. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    That's great. And try finishing the game once more when you feel like it. You will get a somewhat different ending