Hi, What do you people think of homework? Is it a good thing, and so yes why? Or is it just evil? !! Please be objective. I think homework has his positive sides. !!
Homework is good to learn the right attitude. A quote form an article I saw in school... Man what a lie. What has homework to do with attitudes?
Of course homework is necessary. It supports and encourages application of learnt knowledge outside of a school environment, it subtly (or not so subtly, often depending on parents) builds discipline and it often provides opportunities to engage in and develop lateral thinking and problem solving skills. Aside from this, extracurricular research encourages wide reading, critical analysis and other research skills that are of the utmost importance to any aspiring academic. Homework also relieves some of a teacher's immense burden and responsibility and gives children something to occupy themselves with, which may also free parents to enjoy a small degree of freedom.
No homework.. Make it schoolwork so you don't have to make it @ home and have more time for yourself and your friends
i would say 30mins-1hour a day(not weekend) would be acceptable outside coursework(essays obvs gonna take more than an hour) as it sets up revision but it annoys me when teachers set it just for the sake of it. For example anyone who has done kruskal's algorithm knows how friggin easy it is and i swear a 9 year old could do it and we get set 3hrs of work
I think much more homework should be given out. I also think that school hours should be cut back to compensate. With easy access to the internet, lessons just aren't as important anymore. Learning research skills is much more important.
I honestly think the method of testing knowledge should change as well. Exams as they currently manifest themselves are little more than memory tests, and as such are not appropriate for all situations. Subjects like Law, for example, are well served by exams, whereas to borrow an example from my own education, advanced routing, is not. We had to go into an exam and set up a network from scratch, including programming several routers and switches, from memory. That is not a realistic situation and tests your ability to remember the command sequences not your understanding of what you are doing and why. I was one of the lucky few, my memory usually serves me well in those situations, but people failed that exam; people who knew what they were doing and how to do it, but were not able to remember the 20-30 commands needed to do it. Had they been allowed a command reference, as you undoubtably would have in real life, they would have passed with no issues. Allowing a command reference would not help the people who don't know what they are doing because the nature of the subject requires understanding to actually be able to do anything.
Completely agree with that, exams for the most part are meaningless and only test memory, not, as you say, understanding.
not for me, in math, my lecturer always explain it clearer then any written material. anyway i found education standard itself got problem. everyone growth up differly, so do thier mental development. so the same lesson some student may get it, for some might not.
In England you do not have to do homework, it is completely voluntary, however teachers would like to tell you otherwise, but they are wrong. Coursework is not the same, though.
Thats why there is homework. to take freetime away from students. There has been studies that too much freetime lessen stock knowledge among students A good example is when you go to summer vacation and when you go back to school, the teacher will give you a problem question and you can't answer even though you have taken that up before the summer vacation.
If that's the proof they used that study is useless! Of course not studying for weeks is going to affect what you know! Not studying for hours or a few days isn't gonna make much of a difference.
Being a teacher, I know it makes a lot of difference. Students who does homework and students that dont do homework have a big difference in the classroom discussion. Homework is a guideline to help students study. I know you can study without homework, like reading books and surfing stuff in the internet. But if you stick with just reading and not doing exercises to help you know what you need to study, then you should not go to school and just stick at home.
I never did any homework ever. I was lucky that im naturally intelligent, i could read and write before i went to school and out of the 11 years i probably only spent 6 in school yet still passed all my exams easily. I even got moved up a year because the kids my age were holding me back but i started crying because i didnt have any friends(i was only 6) so got moved back. Homework helps, of course it does, but only if its done properly by the teacher and the student puts the effort in. needed or unneeded? That depends on the students ability, how much they put in whilst at school, how far they want to go in life, and what they want to do.
If your still in school/have a short attention span (like me and my brother) this is our ONLY argument in the matter, you get enough free time anyway...just make better use of it. At my old school, I'd only get 2 sheets when I was 17 (some of you know why...for those who don't...let's not go here) and I barly got any of it done...all just on time... Reason why was everyone who got it done early got more-10 pages max XD But it does help, the point is repetition, to drill the message into your skull about what subjects your learning... But there are cases were it doens't help like... -"Home made" homework (Written up and photocopied all by hand-no pc for this teacher-hard to read her fancy bloody hand writting when your used to basic cursive) -When it's not explained how to do it (My brother get's crap like this-and even me, father and mother can't help because the work has no explanation of what to do and nothing at school was apprently explained...though like I said brother might have..forgot...) -When it's simply too hard (homework should be just to prepare you for the challenge ahead and or be in shorter burst-think Brain training, fun but can still educate you somewhat...if it's too long you won't give much of a damn -When you get too much (I seen people in "normal" schools get tons...and never getting them done....too much stres...not just the work but family issues...what can I say i know alot of people in shit living conditions) Otherwise we do need homework.
That isn't true, I went to a grammar school and we had to do homework. If we didn't do it we had to spend two hours in school from 7pm to 9pm doing our homework under teacher supervision.