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Homework Help.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kougerai, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    I would like to ask you all for some help,

    I need to survey people, And because I was too stubborn to go in the halls to ask people.

    I asked my teacher if I could Survey people on-line.

    Please post back with your answers to the survey.

    1) What is age group?
    [ ] 13-20
    [ ] 21-30
    [ ] 31-40
    [ ] Other

    2) What is your gender?
    [ ] Male
    [ ] Female

    3) How do you listen to music?
    [ ] iPod
    [ ] Cellphone
    [ ] Generic MP3 player
    [ ] Other

    4) Why do you listen to music?
    [ ] Relaxation.
    [ ] Enjoyment.
    [ ] To escape reality.
    [ ] Other

    5) What type of music to you prefer?
    [ ] Rap
    [ ] Rock
    [ ] Metal
    [ ] Other
  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You can put a survey on a website for free that organises it better
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    1) 21-30
    2) Male
    3) Computer/MP3 Player (not ipod), sometimes CD player
    4) it helps me concentrate, I also find it relaxing, and I enjoy it.
    5) metal/rock/celtic/african/70s-80s disco and pop
  4. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    1) 13-20
    2) Male
    3) Other: Computer, Mp3 player every now and then
    4) Relaxation and concentration while I'm studying/doing papers
    5) Rap/rock/reggae
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    1. 21-30
    2. Male
    3. Other (MP3s on my PC)
    4. Enjoyment
    5. Other (New Wave)

    There you go :)
  6. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    1 13-20
    2 Male
    3 Ipod/Other
    4 To escape reality
    5 Rap, Rock, Other (Other preferably)
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member


    Also, nice layout Kent.
  8. k9tozex

    k9tozex Member

    Other - any music that i find good
  9. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    1.) 13-20
    2.) male
    3.) other
    4.) relaxation
    5.) other
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    1) What is age group?
    [ ] 21-30

    2) What is your gender?
    [ ] Male

    3) How do you listen to music?
    [ ] Other, I use my Cellphone while driving or waiting for transport, I use the computer when i'm in the office.

    4) Why do you listen to music?
    [ ] Enjoyment.

    5) What type of music to you prefer?
    [ ] Other, Classical and Oldies
  11. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    1) What is age group?

    2) What is your gender?

    3) How do you listen to music?

    4) Why do you listen to music?

    5) What type of music to you prefer?
  12. KowaiOishi

    KowaiOishi Member

    Eh Bored.

    1) 13-20
    2) Female Last Time I Checked. >.>
    3) iPod
    4) To Be Cool/ Awesome/ Conform To The Rest Of Society/ Piss My Parents Off/ Relax ^_^
    5) Rock/ JRock/ Metal
  13. jo132000

    jo132000 Member

    1) What is age group?
    [ ] 13-20
    [x ] 21-30
    [ ] 31-40
    [ ] Other

    2) What is your gender?
    [ ] Male
    [x ] Female

    3) How do you listen to music?
    [ ] iPod
    [ ] Cellphone
    [x ] Generic MP3 player
    [x ] Other

    4) Why do you listen to music?
    [x ] Relaxation.
    [x ] Enjoyment.
    [ ] To escape reality.
    [ ] Other

    5) What type of music to you prefer?
    [ ] Rap
    [x ] Rock
    [ ] Metal
    [x ] Other
  14. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

  15. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    1) 21-30
    3)Other (PC)
    4)Relaxation, enjoyment
    5)Metal, rap

    Hope my bit helps :)
  16. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    1) What is age group?

    [x] Other: A cap'n ner reveals his true age. Invoites too many challenges teh me authority.

    2) What is your gender?
    [x] Male

    3) How do you listen to music?
    [x] iPod: Pink 30G. An oi be runnin Rockbox firmware.

    4) Why do you listen to music?
    [x] Other: Teh pump ups me adrenaline befores a raid.

    5) What type of music to you prefer?
    [x] Other: Sea chanties. Dirty ones. An' oi also loikes Daft Punk.
  17. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Rant: So any MP3 player that's not an iPod is generic?

    I shall now refuse to complete this questionnaire.
  18. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    1) What is age group?
    [X] 13-20
    [ ] 21-30
    [ ] 31-40
    [ ] Other

    2) What is your gender?
    [X] Male
    [ ] Female

    3) How do you listen to music?
    [ ] iPod
    [ ] Cellphone
    [ ] Generic MP3 player
    [X] Other

    4) Why do you listen to music?
    [ ] Relaxation.
    [ ] Enjoyment.
    [X] To escape reality.
    [ ] Other

    5) What type of music to you prefer?
    [x] Rap
    [x] Rock
    [x ( most preferred)] Metal
    [X] Other
  19. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

  20. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    1) What is age group?
    [X] 1-3
    [ ] 21-30
    [ ] 31-40
    [ ] Other

    2) What is your gender?
    [X] Male
    [ ] Female

    3) How do you listen to music?
    [X] iPod
    [X] Cellphone
    [X] Generic MP3 player
    [X] Other

    4) Why do you listen to music?
    [X] Relaxation.
    [X] Enjoyment.
    [ ] To escape reality.
    [ ] Other

    5) What type of music to you prefer?
    [X] Rap
    [X] Rock
    [X] Metal
    [X] Other