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HOLY..... What the heck just happened?!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zouketsuki, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. Zouketsuki

    Zouketsuki New Member

    All right, so, apparently, I was more tired than I knew. So I got done eating dinner with the families, right? Then I walk up to my room, and pop in a CD into my CD player. Then I went and laid down on my bed in a funny position, and fell asleep for like a freaking hour. ._.
    But the thing is, I woke up, looked at my cell phone for the time, and realized it was 20:00. (I've been getting used to Military Time.. >_>) So I calculated without knowing, and I thought... "Okay, it's 8:00. Must be int he morning.." And then I realized like, 10 minutes later (Still groggy >_>) that 20:00 is at night, and I looked outside.. It was still a bit light out.. So I'm thinking.. "Did I sleep for like, 24 hours?" (For me, that much sleep would be almost impossible.) So I popped open my cell phone, and looked at the date. "08/14/07.. So it's still today..."
    So then I walk downstairs, and everyone was like....... Gone. o.o
    I walked into the bathroom and splashed water on my face, and then went down into the basement where my step-dad was watching TV. I asked where "Everyone" was, and he said they are at the park.
    So I went to the park, and I came back here, and had further trouble with my internet. (The internet was down all day because of the stupid provider.)
    So here I am. Again. Checking for Rune Factory. Augh. ._.

    Case in point: Naps are not good for me. I'll be up until like, 1 tomorrow, and that's not good, because I need to go to work tomorrow. T_T
    Questions, comments, concerns, Nutrition information?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    umm, time loop? :p
  3. 60fps

    60fps Member

    I used to go through things like that. Very strange feeling of displacement. ???
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    LIES! Naps are good for you, in fact, without naps I wouldn't be awake now at 04:33. And then I wouldn't be awake for a possible release of a very popular ROM, and that would be bad.
  5. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    with ya there!
  6. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    funny position... m'kay...
  7. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Are you reliving the movie "Premonition"?
  8. Spoony Bard

    Spoony Bard Member

    Sometimes that happens to me, but normally it's during the school week and I try to be awake early. Then I pass out on the couch when I get home and can't remember where I am after I wake up..Really annoying.