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Holy cow new pokemon games... But i just got Gold and Silver. :(

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by ravenlockheart, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. Yeap there making two new pokemon games Black and White... Offical titles. And the source of this article is this: http://kotaku.com/5513079/new-pokemon-games-revealed-pokemon-black--pokemon-white

    "sigh" I'm kind of sad now cause now i got to transfer all the pokemon i caught in heart gold and soul silver to these games now. :(
  2. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    OH GAWD. 3rd time I heard this in the past 1/2 hr.
  3. rudegal

    rudegal Well-Known Member

    yes new games
  4. drteletubbie

    drteletubbie Well-Known Member

    Everyone who picks white are racist =(
  5. Patiaking

    Patiaking Member

    Or everyone who picks black is a racist. People often forget that black racist also exist.

    But yea, about the games. I hope they will bring new stuff instead of re-runs pf everything we already played.
  6. So what if they pick both? And i wounder what the special edition verision will be like Diamond and Pearl had Platinum. Maybe like India color or Asian.
  7. SimplePlan

    SimplePlan Member

    I'm gonna get both so then i guess thats not racist, but nintendo are racist they won't re-release yellow, then we would have wiggers, niggers and asians lol
  8. Sideswipe1

    Sideswipe1 Member

    There is no need for the racist remarks apparently they are re-naming them Light and Dark Versions to stop contravercy in america and euroupe.
  9. drteletubbie

    drteletubbie Well-Known Member

    If you pick light your racist =(
  10. captain james

    captain james Well-Known Member

    i will get both
  11. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    im gonna get the gray version
  12. porschesgt10

    porschesgt10 Well-Known Member

    i think that they are makeing the game in memory of michael jackson song black or white lol
  13. GhanaChris

    GhanaChris Well-Known Member

    WTF People. Even thinking about racism on a PokemonGame... is weird.
  14. Well when you think about it your really enslaving Pokemon to fight for you.... So there for Pokemon show's that slavery is good.... "Note: I'm only jk."
  15. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    rofl are you being racist right now?
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Another post eh....

    I got a big hunch it isnt going to be gray/grey, the next game that is.

    No you are not.
  17. Sideswipe1

    Sideswipe1 Member

    Grey IS the next game because Nintendo has already copyrighted the name!!!
  18. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Names get copyrighted all the time, that doesn't mean they will be used
  19. chaosshadow0

    chaosshadow0 New Member

    LOL everybody has changed the topic to racisem
  20. AirForceElite

    AirForceElite Member

    i cant wait until pokemon pink is released.