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Hide The Sausage

Discussion in 'Sports' started by big_ste, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. big_ste

    big_ste Member

    My friend is hiding sausages all over the UK, it is better than it sounds! Honestly. Is it alright to post link to this or will it contravene forum rules?
  2. big_ste

    big_ste Member

    There are lots of views but no replies. Have I scared people away with my talk of sausages? ???
  3. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    should i assist him in his endeavor in hiding sausages in america?
  4. big_ste

    big_ste Member

    I think he would love you to, I could ask him to send you one. They aren't real sausages, he makes them out of modelling clay! You have to hide it and post a clue on the website. I know it sounds a bit mad.
  5. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    before he sends me a clay sausage
    what is the point?

    i could hide it in a place that no one would find
    maybe my gf
  6. big_ste

    big_ste Member

    There is no point! It started after we became disillusioned with an internet treasure hunt we were taking part in. The clues were awful, so we decided to do our own hunt. The sausage thing came about because they were easy to make with the clay. You just roll it a bit. Some people have found a few of the UK ones.
  7. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    well if you want help
    send me one and i will hide it in the town i live in
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That's quite possibly the single coolest thing I've heard in the last... err, 24 hours... (Sorry, beaten by Zelda :p)

  9. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Hiding clay sausages all over the UK? I'm curious now.

    LINK PLEASE(to the website that is :p)
  10. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    well yes i am digusted.
  11. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    you ashamed of your hidden past time?
  12. big_ste

    big_ste Member

    I am not ashamed of my sausage!

    Here is the link:


    Hope you like it.
  13. Winterreise

    Winterreise New Member

  14. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    I'm scared.
  15. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    no my friend
    i will hide your sausage all day!!!!
    yes look and jeer at me too
  16. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Thats awesome, id never heard of these 'hunts' before. Tempted to start one here in my home town.
  17. philipa

    philipa Member

    LOL omg hiding sasauges it says this topic is for people who have a life... rofl sorry.
  18. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    i do have a life

    i went out and played beer pong
    played quake 3
    riped three movies
    tried new foods
    met a new person

    and i am willing to hide a sasuage
    so i am proud!!!
  19. big_ste

    big_ste Member

    Hiding sausages and then finding them is great. You should try it before poking fun at it. Sausages have feelings too.
  20. sean-dude

    sean-dude Well-Known Member

    be nice to the sausages... FOR THEY WILL RULE THE WORLD! BWUUHAAHAA!!!!!!