Seems like I've played about every N64 game sense it first came out to now with emulation so looking for some rare good games to give a try. I went to this site . Had a few I havn't heard of but still on the look out for more. Know of any post it here Thanks
Other than the obvious ones. -super mario 64 -mario kart -diddy kong racing -conker's bad fur day -Banjo kazooie/tooie I can only suggest the "neon genisis evangelion"'s fun if you work it out
I'd suggest the N64 Super Robot Taisen (Forgot the exact name) but I don't think you want japanese games. Do you?
I did want to play Blast Corps but wont run when the mission starts. Wish there was a better emulator. Im using project 64 1.7 but still no luck with that game oh well. Ya Im not looking for japanese games only US. Don't think there is to many rare/hidden gem games out there for US. Ill keep looking around
sin and punishment by treasure was great. Also Space Station Silicon Valley. Uniracers -or was that SNES? Paper Mario.
I heard that game wasn't very good...but each to their own. It only sold somewhere around 1000 copies wikipedia it. The missions work, it's the menu's that don't. I just keep ramming the error button and I get by...I used 1.6 of that one. Good suggestions-but uni rally was snes-I own the real copy
Michief makers was a great little sidescrolling platformer, also by treasure. Turok rage wars, but that was best in multiplayer. Castlevania.